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3rd POV

*Trigger warning. Panic attack. I'll tell you when its over*

Peter rushed into his dad's office to see the man hyperventilating.

"Dad are you ok?" Peter asked worriedly and wanted to slap himself at that moment. Of course he wasn't ok.

"I'm fine Peter, I'm busy right now can you come back later?" Tony asked between breaths. He didn't want Peter to see him so weak, so vulnerable. He didn't want to disappoint his son anymore that he already did by showing him how mentally weak he was.

"Dad no, just breathe. In and out, don't worry, I'm here with you," Peter said.

"In and out, copy my breathing," Peter said repeatedly until his dad's breathing had returned to normal.

*Trigger over*

Peter handed a glass of water to Tony.
"Are you ok now?" Peter asked feeling guilty.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that you had to see that," Tony said feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I was coming to apologize to you for what I said and then Friday told me that you were having a panic attack and I know that I am the one who caused it and I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Peter said trying to hold back tears.

"Its not your fault kiddo, I got wrapped up in my own thoughts and that's on me and it's fine, I know that I tend to overreact and can be a bit overbearing at times but I just want to protect you," Tony said.

"I'm the one who overreacted, I just didn't want everyone at school to think that I needed someone to handle my bully for me because I was weak. But honestly, I'm really glad that you got them off my back and I'm really sorry for everything that I said, I didn't mean it," Peter said.

"I know you didn't mean it kid but its the truth and I can't change that. I just wish that I could be a better role model to you, you deserve so much better than me," Tony admitted.

"You're a great role model and I'm really lucky to have you as my dad. Everyone makes mistakes and they learn from it, you've changed for the better and  just because the media tries to portray you as a bad person, it doesn't mean that you are. You're one of the most selfless people I know, you saved the world multiple times, put your own life at risk multiple times and you are my hero. Not just Iron Man but Tony Stark is my hero." Peter said.

"Awww, I'm touched," Tony said dramatically while wiping a fake tear away and then hugging his son.

"I shouldn't have just left you like that," Tony said referring to when they got back from school.

"You needed your space, I get it. I think that I stressed out mom though," Peter said.

"What happened ?" Tony asked confused.

''When I went to the penthouse she was there and she asked me why I was home so early and I broke down. I know that I shouldn't have but it just happened," Peter said.

"Its ok kid. Don't worry about it, Pep will be fine, she would have drilled it out of you if you didn't tell her." Tony said.

"True," Peter said smiling a bit.

"Ok now, I actually have some work to do so go back home and do some schoolwork or something like that," Tony said.

"Ok fine, come home quickly though. I'm bored and mom went to take a nap and no one else is home," Peter said.

"Ok I will try to come back soon. Friday, make sure that Peter doesn't do anything stupid while he's alone please," Tony said teasingly.

"Stupid? Me? Do anything like that? I'm offended. You know what, take your time, I won't miss you," Peter said and walked out of his dad's office.

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