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3rd POV
The team silently made their way out of the jet and they got into a car that awaited them.

Steve began driving them all to the hideout that they would be staying at.

"Tony, I'm sorry," Steve said after 20 minutes of silence.

"What for?" Tony asked with a smirk and Clint hit him on the shoulder.

"Ow, ok fine. I'm sorry to, you're the captain, you know what's best and I shouldn't defy you because I'm mad at you," Tony said glaring daggers at Clint.

"I'm sorry about everything, trust me when I say if I knew it was going to turn out that way I would have acted differently," Steve said.

"We're out on a mission, we don't have time to get into our personal issues," Tony said grumpily.

"For the love of God! Tony you better forgive Steve before we return home or else!" Clint exclaimed tired with their constant bickering.

"Or else what Barton?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"Then I'll tell Nat to get you to," Clint threatened.

''I'm on Tony's side," Nat grumbled.

"You were on his side during the civil war too," Clint pointed out as a joke but the tension in the vehicle just doubled.

"Really Clint? You couldn't have thought about anything else to joke about?" Tony asked. The avengers tried to avoid that topic as much as possible, they moved past it and they were a family so they didn't need to think about the negative times before that.

"Sorry," Clint said raising his hands up in defense.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

"We're here,'' Steve announced.

"We can see that," Tony said sarcastically.

Steve just sighed in response.

After everyone got settled into their rooms they all joined each other in the common room where Tomy continued hacking into Hydra.

"Two days from today, 8 pm, the delivery is taking place in a secluded area that is quite far from here," Tony informed them.

"Ok good, change the location provided to the people delivering the weapons and send it far away from here in the opposite direction," Steve said.

"Make sure it's also a secluded area," Natasaha reminded him.

"Done, I've be looking at the weapons that they planned to collect and they're really advanced. If these get into the wrong hands..." Tony trailed off.

''Don't worry, we'll win this one. We always win," Steve assured him.

''I'm sorry for being so.... what's the word um mean to you lately Steve," Natasha said for lack if a better word. Peter forgave Steve and that's all that matters.

"Me too Cap. I know that if I was in your position I would have acted similarly so I had no right to he mad at you for that it's just that Peter, he's my world. I just want to protect him," Tony admitted.

"You guys had every right to be mad at me, you're his dad after all and I caused your son to get hurt and I'm really sorry, I really love Pete and I'm also sorry for the things that I said to you, it isn't true and I had no right to speak to you like that," Steve said.

''Yeah, its fine, you weren't wrong, I can't change what I did and I'm also sorry for attacking you.... and letting Peter attack you," Tony said.

"No one can judge you for past mistakes because we all made mistakes and you didn't allow Peter to punch me, he did it because he was angry," Steve said.

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