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3rd POV

"Steve!" Someone yelled and he opened his eyes to see Natasha safe and sound.

"Natasha?" Steve asked confusedly with tear streaks on his cheeks.

"Its ok. I'm ok," Natasha said trying to comfort him.

"I'm not letting you go again Nat. I'm sorry, I cant. It's not okay," Steve said, the image of Natasha dangling from the edge of the building flashing through his mind again.

"Steve calm down, it was a dream, I dont know what you saw but whatever it was it was fake," Natasha said, she was still not used to comforting people.

"How was it a dream? It felt so real, where are we anyway?" Steve asked finally taking in his surroundings.

He didn't remember anything besides going to bed the previous night and talking to Tony. Weren't they supposed to be going to SHIELD.

"We ended up stopping to meet some SHIELD agents that I asked to be on the lookout for us, it turns out it was a hack. Hydra called us here, " Natasha started explaining but Steve interrupted her before she could finish.

"Why did they call us here? They're on to us but what happened?" Steve asked.

"When we got here they shot us with this device, I  wasn't sure what it was. You immediately fell to the ground and started clutching your head. They missed me but I pretended that they hit me. I heard them talking. It's supposed to make the person see their worse nightmare and afterwards they get like short term amnesia, they can't remember what happened recently. They left before we would wake up and see them. We are supposed to be waking up with no recollection of the past few hours," Natasha said with a sigh.

"So we can't go to SHIELD or they will realize that it didn't work, how are you sure that no one is watching us right now though?" Steve asked.

"I have my ways Rogers," she said with a shrug.

"But that device, it's like Wanda's powers," Steve said.

"It would make sense for Hydra to try to recreate a successful experiment. Except this time they tested it using a device, not a person. The person could go against them but the device cannot," Natasha said.

"Those people, we saw them even though we can't remember them, it's still in our brains, we can get Wanda to read our minds and she will be able to see the people who attacked us," Steve said .

"Yeah, but what is she going to do after that, look at a picture of every SHIELD agent until she finds one person, that's not going to work," Natasha responded.

"We need our own device, one that can give a visual on what Wanda sees when she reads our minds. That way Friday can run a scan on the people and find out who they are," Steve concluded.

"That's a good idea, when she reads our minds and we can get a visual image it would be clearer from what she sees rather than what we remember. Our brains  would remember but our subconscious wouldn't," Natasha said.

"Its also better that we tell Tony about it in person. For all we know our phone calls  could be tapped into," Steve said with a sigh.

"What did you see in your dream?" Natasha couldn't help herself but ask. She wanted to know what Steve saw that left hin so shaken up.

"I saw you," Steve admitted.

"Wow, here I was thinking that we had something going on but it turns out I'm your worst nightmare," She said jokingly.

"You're the one who has been hanging around Tony too much, you picked up his habit  of always making jokes in the wrong times " he said while rolling his eyes.

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