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3rd POV

"I'm ready to tell you what the argument was about," Peter said.

"Are you sure kid? You don't have to if you don't want to," Tony said.

"I'm sure," Peter said. "But can I just tell you and Pepper first," Peter added quietly.

Before Tony could get a word put Peter started rambling again. "It's not that I don't love the rest of the team I just, I don't want to tell too much people at the same time and I'm closest to you and Pep but it's fine I could tell all of them or we don't even need to talk at all of you're busy,"

"Peter! You don't have to justify your decision, the team will understand and I can never be busy when it comes to you, why don't you go to your room and I'll get Pepper and we can talk." Tony said and Peter nodded in agreement.

As Peter left to go to his room Tony pulled his phone out and sent a text to Pepper.

Tony: Hey Pep, Pete is ready to tell us about the argument but he wants to talk to us first. Meet me in his room ASAP.

A response from Pepper came in 30 seconds later.

Pepper: I'm coming.

Tony arrived first and waited for Pepper who came about a minute after.

"Are you ready to go in?" Pepper asked and Tony nodded in agreement. Peter was sat on his bed waiting for them to come.

"Hey Pete are you ready to tell us what's up?" Pepper asked softly as she and Tony sat on the bed at either ends.

"As you know I got into a fight with May," Peter started and then continued after taking a breath.

"When I got home, I- I found a box of my parents' stuff, with like albums and things like that, I guess May was looking at them before she went to work and she forgot to put it away. She thought that she would he coming home earlier than me since I didn't tell her that I wasn't coming to the tower," Peter said remembering everything that happened.

"Go on," Tony urged.

"I found my mom's diary and I opened it to a random page and she wrote about my dad being a good father and accepting me as his own so I was confused as to why my father would have to accept me so I turned back a few pages,"he said while tears began running down his eyes which Pepper wiped away immediately.

They both had an idea as to where this was going. "It turns out that my mom had a one night stand with some dude while she was drunk and she got pregnant. With me. She doesn't remember who it was but they took a DNA test and well my dad wasn't my dad. And May knew that and she never told me," Peter said fully sobbing now.

Pepper immediately pulled him in for a hug and rubbed his back in a soothing manner to try to calm the child.

"When I confronted Aunt May she said that she didn't tell me because I wouldn't be able to find him but even if I did there's no guarantee that he would want to have contact with me and I just want to know who he is. Tell him that he has a kid. I know that he might not want to have a part with my life especially fifteen years later but I have this tiny bit of hope that I could have a parent. I love May, I really do but she's always working and I'm grateful because I know that she does it to me but sometimes I wish that I could go he to someone to make me laugh when I had a bad day or to go to school events with me. I know its selfish but I treat what to find him," Peter cried out.

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