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3rd POV
"Are you sure that you want to go to school today?" Tony asked as he was driving Peter to school.

"For the hundredth time dad, yes I do!" Peter exclaimed exasperatedly. Since he woke up that morning Tony had been trying to convince him to stay home in case anything went wrong.

But Peter missed his friends and he couldn't miss classes forever, plus if he randomly stopped going to school the Hydra agent would figure out that something is up.

"I'm just making sure,'' Tony said defensively.

"We're almost there anyways,'' Peter said.

"Yeah but we can still turn back and go home," Tony said hopefully. He really wanted to keep his kid safe and the only way he could do that at that point in time was if he was with him.

"Dad!" Peter complained tired of Tony nagging him to stay home.

"Fine we're here, have a good day but if you change your mind and want to come home just call me," Tony said.

"I will, bye dad love you," Peter said.

"Love you too kid," Tony said and Peter got out of the car and made his way into the school compound.

"Dude where have you been? We haven't seen you since the weekend," Ned said when Peter found him and MJ who were sitting on a bench outside and talking.

"I've been busy," Peter said with a shrug, he didn't know if he should tell them what was happening. After all if there was one Hydra agent at his school there could be more and who knows who could have been listening on their conversation.

"You could have at least sent us a message letting us know you were alive," MJ said and rolled her eyes.

"Sorry guys, I got caught up with something," Peter said.

"What was so important that you didn't have time to send a message to your best friend?" Ned asked with a frown.

"I don't think I should talk about it," Peter said, his voice just below a whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Ned asked.

"Remember this weekend's events?" Peter asked and they both nodded.

"Let's just say that it's not over and there are people here," Peter said going that they got the message.

"Then why did you come to school Peter?" Ned yelled causing everyone to look in their direction.

"Yeah Peter, even though you recovered you should have still taken today off to rest!" MJ exclaimed.

Peter just told them that there were Hydra agents around the school, MJ couldn't believe that Ned had to yell like that.

The bell rang before anyone out of the three of them could say anything else.

"I'll see you at third period, sorry about earlier," Ned said sheepishly.

"Its fine dude, enjoy your  first two periods," Peter said and walked to class with MJ. He had history with her that morning.

"I heard that we have a substitute today " MJ said as they headed to class.

"I hope that they're nice unlike our other grumpy teacher," Peter said causing MJ to laugh a bit.

As soon as Peter entered the class and saw the teacher he knew that there was something familiar about her. He just couldn't put a name to her face but he knew for sure that he saw her some where.

"Hello class, my name is Miss Melissa White, and I will be your substitute for History for a while. I'm sure that we'll all get along just fine," she said with a warm smile.

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