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3rd POV

"That kid was in school yesterday, wasn't he?" Tony asked after Peter hadn't said anything.

"Yeah," Peter said seeing no point in lying now.

"And you didn't feel it necessary to tell me that because?" Tony asked.

"Because you would have overreacted like you're doing now. I can handle myself, I handled it perfectly fine before I met you, and plus it doesn't hurt anymore and the bruise is gone," Peter said.

"I'm not overreacting Peter. That kid hurt you multiple times and I just want to protect you, and the only reason that your bruise is going is because of your healing and I'm pretty sure that it's illegal for your principal to do what he did too." Tony said.

"Like if something being illegal stopped you from doing something you wanted to anyway," Peter said angrily.

He was tired of Tony being so overprotective of him. He didn't want everyone in school to see him as the weak kid who had to get his parents involved because he couldn't handle a little teasing.

"Peter! That's not the point! His actions caused you to get hurt!" Tony exclaimed.

"And you haven't hurt anyone before with your recklessness?" Peter asked

Tony had no response to that. Is that what his kid thought of him? Did he have the same opinion as the press? He did things that he wanted no matter what the consequences or who it affected ?

It was true, he couldn't deny it but he had changed. He wasn't like that anymore. Did Peter not see that? Or was he still a bad person.

Peter knew he had hit a nerve and he immediately felt guilty, his dad was just trying to protect him like any other parent would.

Before he could apologize they had already reached the tower and Tony had gotten out of the car.

"I have some stuff to take care of, your mom is home taking a nap, she probably got up by now." Tony said and went into the building with his sunglasses on.

Peter sighed and made his way to the elevator, he really screwed up. When he got to the penthouse he met Pepper there .

"Peter? Why are you home so early? Is everything ok?" Pepper asked worriedly.

Peter just broke down into tears, the guilt consuming him. Pepper immediately engulfed him into a hug.

''Calm down baby, it's going to be ok," Pepper tried consoling him. She felt her heart break seeing him cry and in that moment she vowed that she had to remember everything for the sake of her relationship with Peter.

"I'm sorry," Peter sobbed into the hug. He felt terrible for stressing Pepper out and he felt even worse for what he said to his father. Tony was only trying to help him and he knew that his father felt guilty about what he did in the past but he was a changed man now and the media failed to recognize that.

They constantly dragged his name. They never allowed Tony to forget the mistakes that he made and learned from and now Peter had done the same thing to him.

Pepper held him in the hug until his sobs stopped. She lead him to the couch and got him a glass of water which he gladly accepted since his throat was feeling a bit dry.

"What happened to my spider baby?" Pepper asked not realizing that the nickname slipped out.

Peter smiled at that a bit, she always called him spider baby when he was upset. Pepper on the other hand had just realized what she said.

"I'm sorry, I just said that, why did i even say that?" Pepper asked mostly to herself.

"You used to call me that all the time," Peter said.

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