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3rd POV

Peter just stared at the ceiling until his alarm went off waking Tony up.

"Ugh what time is it?" Tony groaned.

"Its time for me to get ready for school," Peter said with a sigh. He dreaded going to school today more than he dreaded going yesterday.

"Did you sleep well?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," he said and left to go take a shower. He was sleepy but it wasn't the first time that he stayed awake for twenty four hours.

He went to the dining room where everyone was seated. He wanted to fake sick and stay home but then he remembered that he had a detention.

Was he really supposed to avoid his friends? Should he? If it was Flash or his crew they wouldn't know because they were suspended but they could ask someone but what would they do then? Would they actually hurt May or his friends? If it wasn't them then who was it?

"Earth to Peter,'' Wanda said while snapping her fingers in front of him snapping him out of his thoughts.

''We've been talking to you for the past five minutes. Did you not hear anything we said?" Steve asked.

"Um sorry guys, I guess that I'm still tired." Peter said.

"Its ok sweetie, eat your breakfast," Pepper said and he nodded.

"I want to drive him to school today," Steve offered.

"Ok," Tony agreed.

"But spare him the lecture please," Clint added with a laugh.

"I'll think about it," Steve said.

"I tried saving you Pete," Clint said and chuckled.

"Haha thanks Uncle Clint," Peter said sarcastically.

"Maybe I can pick him up?" Wanda asked.

"Sure but it will be an hour later than when he usually gets home," Pepper said.

"Why? Did I miss something?" Thor asked.

"He has detention," Natasha said.

"I know not of this detention you speak of," Thor said causing everyone to groan.

"I'll explain it later," Bruce said and he nodded.

"So I was thinking that we could do a training session today. We haven't all done one in like forever,'' Sam said.

"That's actually a good idea," Scott said.

"How about we do it when Steve gets back?" Tony asked and they all agreed.

"But I'll be in school," Peter pouted.

"Sorry kid, next time," Tony said.

"That's so unfair," Peter replied.

"Life's unfair," Clint snorted.

"Are you ready?" Steve asked after they finished breakfast and Peter nodded and said goodbye to everyone.

"Go on Uncle Steve I know that you're dying to say it," Peter said after a few minutes of silence in the car. Steve really wanted to tell him that he shouldn't be violent but was biting his tongue.

"Violence is never the answer to a solution unless you're fighting bad guys. Especially when you have super strength that you may lose control of and not be able to refrain yourself from hurting someone and then you'll have to live with that guilt for the rest of your life. Self defense on the other hand is something totally different. If someone attacks you and you try to hurt them back in defense that is acceptable. If your super strength hurts them while you are defending yourself that's fine. It's not your fault," Steve lectured.

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