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3rd POV

"Ok kid, ready to go to the lab?" Tony asked.

"Uh-oh, can someone save me please?" Peter asked, knowing that he was in for a lecture.

"Tony don't be hard on the kid," Pepper warned.

"I just asked him if he wanted to go to the lab, I'm not going to kill him," Tony said sarcastically.

"Tony, everyone knows that you're going to scold him," Clint said.

Everyone noticed that Pepper had been glancing at Steve to see his reaction to what Tony was saying.

Despite how much times Tony assured her, she wanted to make sure that her fiance wasn't overstepping any boundaries with Steve's kid.

"Go on Peter," Steve said trying to show Pepper that he was ok with Tony scolding his kid.

They both went to the lab and Peter sighed.

"Kid, I understand that you wanted to clear your head but you can't leave without telling us. I was so worried about you but I couldn't be too worried in case Pepper got suspicious but what if you had gotten hurt? How was I  supposed to find you?" Tony ranted.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I really wasn't thinking. I promise that I won't leave like that again." Peter said.

"It's fine Peter, as long as you don't ever do it again. You're not allowed to lock your doors anymore though," Tony said.

"That is not fair," Peter pouted.

"I'm just joking, everyone needs their privacy," Tony said with a laugh.

"You had me worried for a second," Peter said shooting him a fake glare.

"I'm sorry," Tony laughed," Are you ok though? I know that it's a tough time right now and I just want you to know that you can still come to me if something happens," Tony said.

"I know dad, honestly, I'm a bit sad that mom doesn't remember me and now you have to pretend that you're not my dad. I finally had a family but my luck just had to take it away from me," Peter said.

"Everyone has bad times, I promise you Pepper will remember everything again and she still loves you. She got mad at me because I yelled at you," Tony said.

Peter subconsciously smiled. Pepper always got mad if Tony yelled at him. Of course Tony never yelled at him often. It was just when he was stressed and Peter did something really stupid.

"I'm going to school tomorrow right?" Peter asked.

"I was thinking that if you need a few days off, you can have it. Get your thoughts together, relax a bit. It's been a stressful few days," Tony said.

"I don't want to stay near mom for too long. I feel like I'll do something stupid and stress her out," Peter admitted .

"Pete you would never do that if you need time for yourself you can stay home," Tony said.

"I also want to see my friends. They know how to cheer me up,'' Peter said.

"Oh so we don't cheer you up? Ok nice to know," Tony joked trying to lighten the mood.

"I didn't mean it that way and you know it," Peter said with a laugh.

"If you really want to go to school, I'm not stopping you," Tony said.

They worked in the lab for a bit until Tony sent Peter to bed. Tony worked a bit longer and went to bed really late to find Pepper waiting.

"How come you're still up?" Tony asked.

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