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3rd POV
It was 3 am and everyone was asleep, everyone except Tony. He was in his lab thinking.

He felt responsible for the issue that Steve and Natasha was having. Steve felt the need to leave her, all of them because Tony wasn't able to tolerate his friend.

For Steve or at least Natasha's sake he could try to tolerate him but how could Tony forget that because of the Winter Soldier, his parents died, becaus of the Winter Soldier his son went into a coma and almost died, because of him the Avengers were almost torn apart twice.

But it wasn't really his fault, he was being mind controlled when he killed his parents and when he attacked them that day.

Steve also said that he got rid of the trigger words, he would never be the Winter Soldier again, but still Tony couldn't rest knowing that his parents' murderer was nearby, the one who almost killed his kid.

But if he didn't Steve would leave and Natasha might never see him again, none of them might. Even though he wasn't the Winter Soldier anymore he wouldn't be allowed to just roam the streets freely, they will have to be on the down low.

Steve wouldn't be able to make a lot of public appearances, meaning that they wouldn't be able to meet each other often. Eventually people will spot him with the Winter Soldier and they would consider him a criminal again. They wouldn't even be able to go on missions together.

Even Peter was attached to Steve, they all were, they had become a family over the years, maybe he just had to accept the fact that Bucky was Steve's family too.

Besides, if Bucky lived nearby, Steve would be able to visit him and stay with them and Tony wouldn't have to see or interact with him.

Maybe he could tolerate it for everyone's sake, but what if something goes wrong and the trigger words start working again. Would they be able to stop the Winter Soldier that time? Would they be able to stop Steve?

"Tony why are you still up?" Pepper asked as she walked into the lab.

"How did you know I was awake? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Tony asked.

"Friday told me that you hadn't gone to bed yet," Pepper said.

"Snitch," Tony muttered under his breath.

"I know what's on your mind," Pepper said with a sigh.

"Do you?" He asked.

"You're thinking about Natasha and Steve and Bucky," she replied.

"No I'm not!" Tony said defensively and Pepper raised her eyebrow and gave him a knowing look.

"Fine, I'm thinking about how Rogers is an idiot and Natasha deserved better," Tony said.

Pepper rolled her eyes," Tony, I know that you're wondering if you should let Steve bring Bucky to live nearby," Pepper admitted.

"How do you know everything?" Tony asked.

"Look Tony, I love you, and I understand what's going through your mind, your conflicted. But you also need to understand that Bucky was being mind controlled, and you don't own the country, Steve could bring him nearby if he wants, the only reason he isn't doing it is because he doesn't want to upset you," Pepper said.

"Well it's too late, I'm already upset," Tony said stubbornly.

"Your feelings are justified, I'm not asking you to hang out with Bucky, but you have to consider the fact that he was being mind controlled, what if it was me or Peter, and we were forced to kill people because of mind control, would you not still love us and want to have us back?" Pepper asked.

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