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3rd POV

As soon as Peter and Pepper walked into the airport they were swarmed by paparazzi, Pepper was immediately recognized when she exited the car and well everyone figured put that Peter was the 'intern'.

"Ok, please let us pass, we have something important to do," Pepper said trying to be as polite as possible.

"Miss Potts where are you heading to?" One of the cameramen asked.

"Why are you taking the kid? Is there something that you're hiding about him?" Another one asked.

"Where is Mr. Stark?"

"Are you going on a vacation in the middle of the school term?"

All those questions were yelled at them as they tried to walk through the crowds, usually they would have security but they didn't this time.

Luckily the airport security noticed the crowd of reporters bombarding them and they escorted them to the area where Happy and the rest of them were.

"What took you guys so long?" May asked.

"We got mobbed," Pepper said as they all boarded the plane.

"I told you that we should have waited for you," Happy said.

"Shut it," Pepper responded.

Happy had ensured that the take off went smoothly and Friday was now flying the plane as he joined the others in the passenger section.

"Ok, so where are we going? We should have decided this before taking off," Happy said.

"I don't know maybe some place that won't be obvious especially when we land at the airport," Pepper said.

"Russia, let's go to Russia." Peter said.

"Wow, that will be so cool," Ned said.

"Peter no," Pepper said and glared at him a little.

"Why not?" May asked.

''Because Tony is on a mission there and he is sort of being held captive right now and our lovely Peter here, is trying to get us to go to Russia so he could go get himself involved and injured," Pepper said knowingly.

"But wouldn't it be safer? The team is there and we're dealing with Hydra, they have high tech weapons and agents all over the world, they could find us easily and we will be practically defenseless, but if we're with the team we will be safer," Peter pointed out.

"He has a point," MJ said.

"Peter, like you said we are dealing with Hydra, Tony would not appreciate it if you go out looking for him," Pepper said sternly.

"I won't mom, I promise," Peter said.

"And I dont trust in that promise," May said.

"Ok fine, I won't do anything without informing you first, I can promise you that at least," Peter said.

Pepper sighed and said," Friday, take us to Russia please."

"Of course Miss Potts, where would you like me to make the landing?" Friday responded.

"But wait, we didn't pack our passports," Ned said.

"Yeah, me neither," MJ said.

"There is a SHIELD branch here, we could always land there and then get transport to the safe house," Happy said thoughtfully.

"Ok and how do we land there without them shooting at us? Even though the plane says Stark Industries, the agents will be aware that dad is already in Russia and would not use a plane to get to the headquarters, in fact they know that he is being held captive by Hydra now," Peter said.

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