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3rd POV

"What are you guys talking about?" Peter asked confusedly.

"We destroyed the Hydra base earlier so most likely the doctor who planned everything was taken care of," Wanda tried explaining.

"What about his brother, we need to make sure that the police got to him," Pepper said.

"I'll go check on that right now," Tony said before walking out of the room, probably to find his phone.

"Peter, I swear to God that I'm never leaving you alone ever again," Pepper said.

"I won't do it again! I promise!" Peter said.

''Anyway, so Peter aren't you going to properly introduce us to your friends?" Sam asked.

"Well this is Ned and MJ and well you guys know who they are," Peter said with a shrug.

"So you're MJ,'' Clint said with a smirk.

"Does Peter talk about me a lot?" MJ asked jokingly.

"All the time, he has a," Clint said but Natasha interrupted him.

"He has a very strong relationship with you guys, at least it seems that way," Natasha said glaring at Clint to make him shut up.

Before Clint or anyone else tried to embarrass him again Tony had walked in the room with an angry expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" May asked.

"He escaped," Tony said in a low, angry voice.

"What?" Pepper asked.

"They said that they thought it was a prank and they didn't pay much attention to it, by the time they decided to go, Peter's webs had dissolved and the man was gone," Tony said angrily.

"He will know that we're here, he's with Hydra, who knows how many assassins are after us," Peter said.

"I'll track him down, don't worry," Tony said.

"I think that we should just go to bed and we'll figure out what we have to do in the morning," Natasha suggested.

"Good idea,'' Steve said and they all went to bed, except for Tony.

He stayed up all night trying to trace the man but to no avail. Eventually he passed out due to the lack of sleep. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep since he left for the mission.

He was awoken when he felt a cold metal being pressed to his head. His eyes shot open as he was held in a headlock and a hand was placed  over his mouth.

"Looking for me?" Noel chuckled deeply.

Tony tried to break free, but he couldn't, he was still weak from the torture session the Hydra agents had with him earlier.

''How does it feel to struggle Stark? That's how my father's every breath felt, we couldn't help him and it was all your fault! I thought that I wanted to kill you but there's no fun in that right. You get to stay alive but how can you live knowing that your kid is dead," the man chuckled evilly.

"What are you talking about?" Tony tried to ask but his words didn't come out clearly due to the man covering his mouth.

"You must be confused right? You killed my father and then you killed my brother. So I returned the favor and took your kid away from you. I was going to kill your darling fiancee but I want her to stay alive and suffer with you. I want her to grieve with you like my brother grieved with me when our father died! I want her to blame you for his death because you were incapable! You couldn't save him! You're no hero Stark, no matter how hard you try to fool yourself, you killed so many people and now you killed your own kid," the man said laughing evilly.

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