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3rd POV

"You're back finally!" Steve exclaimed when Tony, Natasha, and Peter got to the car where he was waiting.

"They've been taken care of right?" Tony asked referring to the Hydra agents who they knocked out in the nurse's office.

"The rest of the team got here and took them back to the tower," Steve said.

"No one noticed? Right?" Natasha asked.

"No, everyone was in the cafeteria for lunch," he said.

"Let's go home," Tony said and they all got into the car and Steve drove them home.

"Remember what I said kid. Stay out of this," Tony warned Peter when they got to the tower.

"I heard you the last hundred times," Peter said and rolled his eyes.

It was true, throughout the drive Tony had constantly been telling Peter that he shouldn't get involved in the interrogation and Peter's ears were ringing with the amount of times he heard the same thing over and over.

"I mean it kid, if you don't listen to me this time there's going to be trouble," Tony said as they walked into the building.

"Ok, ok! I won't now get off my back," Peter said annoyed. He was Spiderman, he had every right to be part of the interrogation.

If not as Peter then as Spiderman but everyone just treated him like a kid.

"Friday, please alert us if a certain spiderling decides to get involved in the interrogation. Use the code," Natasha said.

They had code language for if Friday needed to tell them something about Peter but she couldn't say his name.

All Friday had to say was Spider Alert and whoever she was talking to left the room to find out what the kid was up to.
"Of course Miss Romanoff," Friday responded.

"Aunt Nat!" Peter exclaimed and glared at her, she was also treating him like a little kid and it was pissing him off.

They told him once to stay out of the interrogation, they didn't need to tell him every 2 seconds. It's not like he doesn't listen to them- actually they had every right to keep reminding him.

Peter began remembering all the times he decided to get involved in things when Tony specifically told him not to.

It didn't make it less annoying that they were repeating themselves though.

''Peter are you okay?" Pepper asked worriedly when they entered the penthouse.

"Mom? What are you doing home at this time?" Peter asked confusedly. Normally she would be taking care of stuff at Stark Industries at that hour.

"Your friend messaged us saying that something was going on, of course I had to come here to check on you after Tony picked you up. Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked, concern evident in her voice.

Even though she knew that Peter healed faster than a normal person she still never wanted him to get hurt.

"I'm fine mom, really. You can go back to work now if you have important stuff to take care of," Peter said.

"No, I already took the rest of the day off, I might as well spend it with you," she said.

"Star wars marathon!" Peter exclaimed excitedly.

"If that's what you want," she said with a chuckle.

"We're back!" A voice called as the elevator opened.

They all turned back to see Bruce and Thor standing at the entrance of the penthouse.

"Uncle Bruce! Uncle Thor! I missed you guys so much!" Peter exclaimed. They hadn't communicated with each other in like forever so that meant that they also had no idea what was going on.

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