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3rd POV

When Peter woke up it was already night time. He went to the living room to see everyone talking, even his mom had gotten home.

"Hey Pete, did you sleep well?'' Pepper asked when she saw him.

"Yeah, can we test the device now?" Peter asked excitedly.

"Dinner first," Natasha said sternly and he knew there was no point in arguing with her.

She would win the argument anyway and it would just keep them back from testing it.

"Yes Aunt Nat," Peter said and hurriedly ate some food before enthusiastically rejoining them to test the device.

"Someone is excited " Scott said.

"The kid helped make the device, of course he is going to be excited," Sam said.

"How is it going to work?" Steve asked.

"So Wanda will read your mind, while wearing this bracelet, we push this button and it should be able to scan her brain and connect wirelessly to any screen and play the scene that's going on in her head. It would be clearer for her thoughts to be displayed while reading someone's mind because it's like live footage while everyone else just has memories. If you know what I mean," Tony explained.

''Are you ready to try it?" Steve asked looking at Wanda.

"Anything to find out who these people are and to stop Hydra," she responded.

Tony handed her the bracelet and told her which button to press.

"Ok so whose mind am I going to read?" Wanda asked.

"Read mine, Steve's mind got occupied when they sent him into that dream state, I saw them for longer," Natasha said.

"Ok, stay calm, I'm about to enter your mind," Wanda said.

Natasha took a deep breath in as she mentally prepared herself for Wanda to enter her mind. She hadn't even known when she started to read her mind but didn't feel anything weird.

The only way that she knew that Wanda was in her mind was because of her memories being played on their tv.

Tony and Peter's device had worked and everyone had a clear view of what went down.

"We programmed the device to record it so you can stop reading her mind when you see what you need to," Tony said.

"Ok I'm done, how do you feel Nat?" Wanda asked.

"I'm good," she said truthfully.

"The thing worked!" Scott exclaimed cheerfully.

"Well obviously it did," Sam said while rolling his eyes.

"Well Tony and Peter made it, what did you expect?" Rhodey asked sarcastically.

"Ok, do you see that second button on the bracelet, the small blue one, press that one," Tony said.

As soon as Wanda pressed ot the video on the television started to play from the beginning.

"Friday I want you to run a facial scan on these people and give me as much information as you can find about them," Tony said.

''Sure thing boss," Friday responded.

"Wait!" Peter said after they were about to rewind the tapes.

"Everything okay kid?" Tony asked confusedly.

"That man, I think that I've seen him before," Peter said while looking carefully at one of the men.

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