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3rd POV
When Tony picked Peter up from school he was back to his usual self. Tony subconsciously smiled as Peter rambled on about his day and what he was planning on doing during his vacation which was actually a bit far away.

As soon as Peter got home he immediately started on his homework and studied a bit. He then popped a bag of popcorn and took it to his room.

"Friday, can you pull up the surveillance footage from earlier with dad and uncle Steve." Peter asked.

"Of course Peter, could you be more specific though? Boss and Mr. Rogers have interacted multiple times today," Friday responded.

"It was around noon," Peter said and the footage started playing.

He ate his popcorn happily as he watched Steve threaten to break Tony's lab door down with his shield if he didn't let him in.

He almost choked on his popcorn when Steve started lecturing him and Tony looked as though he wanted to shoot Steve with his repulsors at any moment.

Peter's 'movie' was interrupted by Tony entering his room without knocking because he's Tony and he does whatever the hell he wants.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked curiously.

"Nothing," Peter said as Tony looked at what he was watching.

"Friday take that off!" Tony groaned.

"Friday no let it play!" Peter said laughing.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I am programmed to listen to Mr. Stark." Friday said and you could almost hear guilt in her voice for not being able to help Peter.

"Well I'm a Stark too so listen to me." Peter retorted and Tony gave him a look.

"Fine fine, I'll watch it another time." Peter said raising his hands in mock surrender.

"That's the first time you referred to yourself as a Stark," Tony said feeling a bit emotional.

"I don't get what's the big deal. I call you dad, of course I accepted that I'm a Stark." Peter said sarcastically.

"Well ouch," Tony said placing a hand on his heart pretending to feel hurt, "you really are my kid."

Peter laughed,"So what did you want?"

"Well I came here for two things. First, to tell you that dinner is ready. Wanda made it today and I was going to tell you that I missed you too much in the lab and Karen missed her Spiderman but after what you just watched, I think that the lab and Karen could wait." Tony said with a smirk.

"Really? I won't watch it again. Sorry. Please I missed doing stuff in the lab with you and patrol," Peter pouted.

"Yeah, I think that Queens has missed their friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. And you're a good kid so I'm letting you off easy this time. But next time someone bothers you, you better tell us before you end up fighting again." Tony said sternly.

"Thank you dad! I promise! I can't wait to be Spiderman again!" Peter exclaimed happily.

"Dinner first," Tony reminded him and he nodded.

Peter ate his food as fast as he can.
"Can I be excused?" Peter asked when he was finished eating.

Pepper shook her head fondly at her son's antics. She knew he was just dying to go on patrol," Go on,"

"Thanks mom. I love you guys, I'll be back before my curfew," Peter said and ran to change into his suit.

"Hello Peter. I'm glad to see you again," Karen said.

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