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3rd POV
Sam knocked on Steve's door.
"Steve, its Sam, can I come in?"

Steve opened the door and motioned for him to come in.

"They all hate me, don't they?" Steve asked.

"Well hate is a strong word, they just don't particularly like you right now," Sam said with a shrug.

"What about you?" Steve asked.

"I can't say that I'm not pissed off at you too, but I guess Bucky means more to you than we ever would and we have to respect that," Sam said.

"It's not like that, you guys are my family and I care about you equally but it's just that Bucky needed me more at the time," Steve said.

"I'm sorry Steve, I just came here to check on you but you care about him more than you can ever care about us. You chose his life over Tony's. Tony would have been dead if Peter hadn't swooped in all because you demanded that Bucky not get hurt. The sooner that you accept that Bucky is more important to you, the better. Maybe things will go back to normal. I don't know," Sam said and left leaving Steve alone with his thoughts.

"He was my family first," Steve whispered to himself.

Pepper and Tony had sat on the floor of the med bay crying for about an hour.

"Come on Tony let's go back to bed, you need some rest," Pepper said eventually and stood up.

"I can't leave him," Tony cried.

"Tony get up, laying here on the floor all night will not make Peter wake up faster. You know how our kid is, when he finds out that we cried all night he will feel guilty," Pepper said trying to convince him.

Tony sighed and stood up. "Wake up fast kid," Tony whispered and squeezed Peter's hand lightly.

He let go of his son's hand and was about to turn to walk out of the room when he felt a hand stop him.

He turned around and he saw Peter opening his eyes.

"Peter!" Tony cried happily causing Pepper to turn around.

"Tony, what's going on?'' Pepper asked and then she saw her son fluttering his eyes open.

They started crying again, but tears of joy this time. Pepper immediately told Friday to alert Helen about Peter and they she came to the med bay with her nurses and checked Peter out.

"He's normal, no wounds, no internal injuries, his organs have healed perfectly," She said with a smile before leaving to give the family their moment.

"Dad," Peter said trying to sit up.

"No, lay back down Peter," Pepper said.

"What happened?" Peter asked noticing that he was in the med bay and then he remembered.

He remembered that his dad was about to be murdered at the hands of the Winter Soldier and he got stabbed.

"Did I? Was I in a coma?" Peter asked unsurely. Pepper and Tony glanced at each other unsure if they should tell him or not.

"You're awake now and that's all that matters," Pepper said.

"Oh we have to tell everyone. They've all been so worried. " Tony said wiping away the tears.

He glanced at the time and realized that May said she would get off her night shift in half an hour dialled Happy's number.

"Hello, is everything ok?" Happy asked, it sounded like he was wide awake even though it was like one in the morning. He definitely did not stay up worrying for a certain spider child. Definitely not. Ok maybe he was just a little worried.

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