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3rd POV

Peter's Sunday went really fast. It started off with breakfast, patrol, he met up with Ned and visited MJ in the hospital.

When he got home he took a shower and went to have dinner with his family.

"So Peter, your school sent a message," Tony said.

"I swear that I didn't do anything this time. I promise, I have no idea what they're taking about," Peter rambled as he immediately thought that he gotten in trouble.

"I was just going to say that they cancelled school tomorrow for some emergency staff meeting. Take a breath kid," Tony said and Peter's shoulders relaxed immediately.

"Oh right, I got that message too," Peter said and facepalmed himself.

"So Pete, I have to go to Florida urgently for some work. I'm flying out tonight and I should be back on Saturday," Pepper said and Peter pouted.

"I'm going to miss you," Peter said.

"I'll miss you too but I'll be back before you know it," Pepper said.

"Dad, I'm going to sulk tomorrow so I will require your full attention," Peter said.

"You're already sulking," Clint pointed out.

"Watch the snarky comments towards my kid or else I'll actually-" Tony said but shut up when Steve looked at him causing everyone at the table to laugh.

"I also have something to take care of back on Asgard, I will be back in a few weeks, and Doctor Banner has accepted my invitation to join me," Thor said.

"And I have some military work to do, I'll be back in a few weeks too," Rhodey said.

"And I promised that I would visit my family for a bit," Scott said.

"And i-," Sam started.

"Let me guess, you're leaving too," Peter said sadly.

"Vision, Wanda and I have a mission to take care of," Sam said.

"I'm going to really miss all of you," Peter admitted.

"We're going to miss you too Pete," they said.

"Well, I-," Tony began to talk but he got interrupted by Peter.

"I swear to God if you're leaving for a few weeks too I'm going to have a fit," Peter warned.

"No Spiderling, I'm not leaving. I was going to say that since Pep will be gone for a week, I have to take care of stuff at SI until she gets back so maybe you could come with me tomorrow since you don't have school," Tony said and Peter agreed.

The next day Peter woke up at 5 am. He was excited to go to the office and he woke his dad up like an excited kid on Christmas morning.

"Why the fuck are you waking me up?"  Tony groaned.

"I'm excited to spend time with you. Now get your lazy ass up,'' Peter complained.

"Ugh, you're lucky that I love you," Tony said and dragged himself out of bed.

After he had his coffee he looked more awake and less grumpy.

"Well you look all chirpy now," Peter said with a laugh.

"I'm nothing without my coffee," Tony said.

"Well if you're nothing without your coffee then maybe you shouldn't have it," Peter said with a smirk and Tony almost choked on the pancakes that he was eating.

"You did not just say that to me. I can't believe that you just said that to me." Tony said shocked that Peter was using his own words against him.

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