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3rd pov
"Peter is currently in a coma," Helen said sadly.

"What? How? He has super fast healing? How is that possible? Is he going to be ok?" Pepper asked worriedly. She felt like the world  came to a stop. Her heart just kept beating faster and faster. She was dreaming.

She had to be dreaming and then it clicked. The dream she had. Peter told her that she could have saved him if only she remembered. If she had only remembered that he keeps his suit in his backpack she could have stopped him.

She felt like it was all her fault. Her son was in a coma because she couldn't save him.

"His body has several internal and external wounds, even with his super fast healing he wasn't fast enough to heal before he slipped into a coma. He will be fine, hopefully. A normal person won't have survived that much stab wounds but Peter did. I can't say anything for sure because I'm not familiar with mutated DNA. So you should prepare yourself for anything but we will do our best to ensure that he is nursed back to health," Helen said professionally.

She had only met Peter a few times but the kid had stolen her heart but she had to try to hide her emotions and speak from a professional point of view.

"Is Tony awake?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, he is. You can see him if you like, he's in Room #5." Helen said and Pepper took a deep breathe in and wiped the tears that had fell from her eyes.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked when she went inside the room.

"I could ask you the same thing. How's  Peter though? Did you get any updates on him?" Tony asked .

"I asked you first, how are you?" Pepper said not knowing how to break the news to Tony.

"Something is wrong. Tell me. What happened? Pepper is he ok. Tell me that he is," Tony said worriedly.

Pepper opened her mouth to tell him but she broke down into tears. Tony became even more worried.

"Pep you're scaring me. Friday, what's wrong with Peter?" Tony asked, a few tears falling from his eyes as well.

Friday was silent for a moment, almost as if she didn't have the answer to his question but she did. Even the AI knew that someone would have to inform Tony about the situation delicately.

"I apologize boss but I believe Miss Potts should be the one to answer your question,  Friday responded.

Tony got out of bed, ripping out all the IV wires connected to him.

"Tony don't do that, sit down," Pepper said trying to contain her sobs but Tony was already out the door.

He ran, well more like limped to where Peter was.

"Mr. Stark, you shouldn't be out of bed right now, you should get some rest. You are also dehydrated, the IV was providing you with fluids to prevent you from losing consciousness again," one of the nurses said.

"Peter. My son. Tell me what's wrong with my son," Tony demanded. By then Pepper had already caught up to him.

"I'll handle it,"  she said and motioned for the nurse to leave.

"Pep, tell me please," Tony practically begged at that point in time.

Pepper took in a deep breath," Tony, Peter has received multiple stab wounds, his super fast healing has multiple wounds to fix. He, he s-slipped in-into a c-coma," Pepper said stuttering to the end.

"He will be alright though, right? Tell me he will be ok?" Tony asked praying that he was dreaming or that he heard her wrong.

"They, they d-don't know, we were told to be prepared for any outcome. A normal person would have already died but Peter didn't, because he is Spiderman and he will be alright, he loves being Spiderman. Queens loves their Spiderman, he will wake up, he will be strong. I know he will," Pepper said starting to cry again.

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