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3rd POV
Tony tracked the suit and caught up with Peter who was currently sitting on a building.

Peter was confused when he saw the iron man suit approach him.
"Dad? Is something wrong? Whatever it is, I swear I didn't do it," Peter said immediately.

"You snuck out," Tony said.

"What? No I didn't. Was it not clear when I said I had the thing to do? I'm sorry, mom was there I couldn't just say that I'm going to patrol," Peter said confused.

"I know, Pepper had a nightmare and she woke up looking for you and she ran into her room before I could stop her and Friday said you left and we had to pretend that we didn't know where you went because we couldn't exactly say, oh well he is spiderman so he went on patrol please don't freak out because it's terrible for your health at the moment. And I have no idea how I tracked you when she asks. You left your phone home and well there is no suit to track," Tony said on one breath.

"Calm down dad," Peter said seeing how stressed he was.

"I'm sorry kid, I'm glad that Pepper is concerned about you but she's all worked up and I'm worried a lot her and I don't know how we're going to answer her questions," Tony said.

"We'll figure it out," Peter said taking off his mask.

"Now why did you sneak out?" Tony joked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Peter asked, glaring at his dad playfully.

"Well you did it," Tony said with a laugh.

"You're not helping dad," Peter groaned.

"Ok so you have some friends that we don't approve of so you snuck out to hang with them, and I checked their house and you were there," Tony said.

"That's so boring though," Peter said.

"Well do you have a better idea?" Tony asked.

"To be fair why would I randomly sneak out to see these friends in the night when I have school tomorrow, it doesn't make sense," Peter said.

''Yeah well everything teenagers do doesn't make sense," Tony retorted and Peter gave him a look.

"Fine, I called your friends to ask where you were and they said that you mentioned something about a club and I went there and found you drunk and hooking up with some girl. Exciting enough for you?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"It had better been a cute girl," Peter said with a laugh.

''Yeah and her name was MJ," Tony teased.

"Shut up or else I'll say that I asked you if I could go," Peter threatened.

"You little traitor, who does not smell like alcohol. Let's go buy some non scented hand sanitizer and throw it on you," Tony said.

"Seriously?" Peter asked.

"Well we will skip the part about you being drunk. I'm glad that you decided to be responsible and not drink," Tony said.

"I will shoot you with my webs," Peter warned.

"Ok ok now change out of your suit, I brought you some clothes," Tony said and threw it at him.

"I'm waiting on the ground," he said and flew down.

"How am I going to get down now?" Peter asked after he changed.

"Jump, obviously," Tony said jokingly and Peter actually did it.

"Kid no!" Tony yelled, his heart beating at a hundred per second.

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