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3rd POV
"Dad," Peter said catching Tony's attention when they went down to the lab.

"Yeah kid?" Tony asked.

"What were you and uncle Steve talking about?" Peter asked curiously.

"He was just mad at me for skipping a meeting with the pirate. " Tony said trying to brush it off but he could see his dad get a bit nervous.

"Yeah but why did you skip it? I heard the both of you talking, he said that you couldn't hide from it forever. What is he talking about?" Peter asked.

"So you were eavesdropping on us?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have enhanced hearing okay, I just happened to hear what you guys were talking about now answer my question please," Peter said realizing that Tony was trying to change the topic.

"It's nothing kid. Don't worry about it," Tony said.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. You all were really tense this morning and you never skip meetings concerning the avengers. You might show up late but you never skip them. Can you please just tell me what's happening?" Peter asked frustrated.

"Peter if I tell you, you're going to try to get involved which I won't allow to happen and then you're going to get upset with me," Tony said with a sigh.

"Well guess what, I am already upset with you. I hate to be kept in the dark, if you would just tell me what's going on maybe I could help," Peter said.

''That's the problem Peter. You think that you can help but I don't want you too. I want you to stay out of this and that's final. Not another word about this. Understood?" Tony asked.

"But!" Peter tried to protest.

"Understood?" Tony asked again but more sternly this time.

"Whatever," Peter mumbled.

"I just want to keep you safe, that's all," Tony said.

"I'm a superhero too. I can keep myself safe, thanks for the concern," Peter muttered.

"You're still a kid Peter," Tony said.

"A kid who could stop a bus with his bare hands," Peter retorted.

"Yeah and that's why you get to be Queen's friendly neighborhood spiderman. Help out the little guy." Tony said.

"Yeah, I have school tomorrow, I'm going to bed," Peter said glamicing at the clock.

"Peter its late, I know that you want to clear your head but Spiderman isn't a good idea right now," Tony said knowingly.

''Well first of all I said that I was going to bed and second of all why is it not a good idea?" Peter asked.

"I know you Peter. You're going to go on patrol again and it's not a good idea because you have school tomorrow and it's really late and you could use the rest. You're more stressed than usual lately," Tony said.

"Ok fine, goodnight," Peter said and started to walk out the lab.

"Goodnight Pete. I'll know if you leave the tower," Tony said as Peter was leaving the lab causing him to groan a bit.

Tony decided that he should go to bed too. It would be a long day for him tomorrow.

Pepper was already fast asleep when he went into their shared bedroom.
"Good night Pep. I love you," Tony whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead before lying down in the spot next to her.

He barely got any sleep though. He was worried. Worried about Pepper, worried about Peter. He was worried about the meeting with Fury and what would happen after the meeting.

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