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3rd POV
"Hey guys, where are Tony and Peter?" Pepper asked as soon as she walked into the penthouse.

"They're in the lab," Clint said.

"Again? They've spent all day in there and it's late, have they had dinner yet?" Pepper asked. She ended up getting home really late that night, it was already 10 pm and she was certain that her boys had forgotten to eat again.

"They haven't," Sam replied with a shrug.

" I swear to God, I'm going to go drag them out by their ears and force them to eat!" Pepper exclaimed angrily.

"Wait Pep, they're actually working on something important," Natasha said with a sigh.

"What are they working on?" Pepper asked confusedly. Surely they would have told her if they had something important to do when she saw them earlier.

''They just started it after lunch, its something that we need to go after the Hydra agents," Steve said with a sigh.

"How come they started so late?" Pepper asked, she knew that if it was that important they would have started first thing in the morning.

"We only told them about it after lunch," Natasha said.

''Oh," Pepper said.

"Well that explains why they didn't tell me," Pepper said with a shrug.

"It was my turn to cook tonight, there is food in the fridge for you," Rhodey said.

"Thanks, I'm going to go change and then make those two eat something," Pepper said and headed to her room.

"Do you think we will be able to stop Hydra?" Wanda asked with a sigh," who knows if they replicated any more of my powers."

"Don't worry Wanda, we will stop them, we always win the battle, together," Steve said reassuringly.

"When is Bruce and Thor going to get back? They said that they wouldn't be gone too long," Scott said.

"I don't know, it's not like we can really contact them." Clint said.

"I think that we need all hands on board for this mission," Sam said.

"We don't even know what the mission is. Do we even have a game plan or are we just going to raid one of their bases and hope that we all make it out alive?" Wanda asked sarcastically. Everyone was surprised to hear her yell.

"Wanda-," Natasha said but Wanda started talking again before she could say another word.

"There were others besides Pietro and I, many of them lost their lives because of failed experiments, if they could recreate mine who is to say that they didn't perfect those failed experiments? We don't know what we're dealing with! How many more people lost their lives after the experiment with me and Pietro! It only encouraged them and it's all my fault because I chose to get involved!" Wanda yelled angrily with a few tears escaping her eyes.

Steve, who was sitting the closest to her pulled her in for a hug.

"Wanda, it's not your fault, if it wasn't you them someone else would have done that experiment, someone who could have been working for Hydra right now, " Steve comforted her.

"I'm sorry for snapping guys, it's just that I have a lot of bad memories with Hydra, because of them I lost my brother," Wanda said with more tears running down her face.

"Don't apologize, we know that it must be hard for you, we will always be here for you, " Natasha said.

"We can never fill the void in your heart that your brother left but you're not alone, you have us, all of us," Scott said with a smile.

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