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"Friday, what is Pepper doing?" Tony asked about five minutes after she left him.

"Miss Potts is currently on her way to visit Mrs. Parker. Would you like me to contact her for you?" Friday asked.

"Oh no, that's great actually," Tony said unhooking the wires once more.

"Mr. Stark, that isn't a good idea, I strongly advise against it, you should remain in bed," Friday said.

"Yeah, no. Can you inform me when Clint and Nat are back? Oh yeah and can you ask Helen to prepare the medbay for their return," Tony said.

"Of course boss, should I ask her to prepare two beds or three?" Friday asked.

"Three, just in case," Tony said hesitantly, he really wanted to say two.

Tony successfully snuck out of the med bay. He was in the living room and he was going to head to the lab when Friday interrupted him.

"Boss, Miss Romanoff, Mr. Barton and Captain Rogers are back," Friday said and as if on cue they stepped out of the elevator.

Tony looked at Steve with nothing but pure rage in his eyes.

''The med bay is prepared for you guys," Tony said looking at Nat and Clint before heading to his lab but he got stopped by Steve talking to him.

"Tony, I don't understand why you're mad. The winter soldier is deactivated and Bucky is back in Wakanda," Steve said.

Tony felt even more enraged by what Steve said but before he could respond Natasha spoke up.

"How is Peter doing? Is he ok?" She asked, worry evident in her voice.

Tony chuckled dryly. "Ok? Is my son ok? I don't know, nobody knows. His super fast healing can't fix this one," he said while glaring at Steve.

"Tony, if I had known that Peter would have gotten hurt I would have done things differently," Steve said with a sigh.

"What would you have done differently Rogers? Nothing! I understand that he was your friend but he's nothing but a killing machine waiting to be triggered. If Peter hadn't stepped in it would have been me fighting for my life right now if I would have already died and God how I wish I could take my son's place right now. Whatever happened to not trading lives. You're just a big hypocrite Steve, you live by your morals when its convenient to you," Tony said angrily.

"Tony, what is happening with Peter?" Clint asked worriedly but Steve started talking before Tony could respond.

"He is my friend Tony! What do you want me to do! Kill him!" Steve yelled.

"Wow Steve, for the second time, I was your friend too, in fact we all became a family but you had to go mess it up. Because of you, The winter Soldier attacked me, because of you my son is fighting for his life and there is nothing I can do about it. If anything happens to Peter, I swear to God Rogers. You're going to wish you were never born," Tony said angrily.

"What about Pepper? She thinks that I adopted Peter with Nat! I love Peter and I would never hurt him intentionally," Steve argued.

"Pepper has thankfully regained her memory, but even if she hadn't I would have figured something out. I don't want you near my kid. Or at least what's left of my kid! Stay the fuck away from my family!" Tony yelled.

"Family? Since when did you care about a family Stark? Did you ever care for a family when you had all those one night stands? And let's face the facts Tony, you don't really care about Peter. He just adores you and you took him in so he wouldn't stop admiring you. You did it for your own selfish motives so stop pretending to take care of the kid. He deserves better. You and I both know that if it was someone else or if you had found out that Peter was your son earlier you would have never given him a second glance, much less accepting him as your son," Steve said also quite pissed off.

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