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3rd POV

Peter didn't realize when the tears had started to fall but they were falling. He felt responsible for what happened to his friend and he couldn't get the image of her betrayed face when he walked away out of his mind.

The scene kept playing over and over in his head. He had to listen to this blackmailer. He had no choice now.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of another message being sent to his phone.

Unknown: you made the right choice.

Wiping his tears and washing his face he made his way to his next class. When it was lunch he opened the box of food that Pepper packed for him. He sat alone and he was feeling lonely but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He smiled when he saw that his family left a note for him.

Have a great day at school baby spider.- Nat

We love you very much -Mom

Please stay out of trouble. -uncle steve

The hulk is always here if you need him. - Bruce

And my arrows are sharpened.-your favorite uncle Clint

I will shrink down and tickle someone to death if they bother you. - Scott and I want to be the favorite.

You know the repulsors are always ready to blast at someone- Dad

I can make them see their worst nightmare if anyone as much as looks at you the wrong way- your big sis

War machine is ready to fight in your defense- Rhodey

And I will take anyone who hurts you for a nice ride in the sky- Sam

I will treat with your enemies the same way I treat with those who steal my pop tarts. I will show them no mercy- Thor.

Peter laughed at the notes that they left. He didn't feel as lonely anymore. They were there for him even when they were not actually there.

His smile did not last long as Ned approached him still wearing the gloomy look from earlier which made Peter's heart shatter again.  "What do you want?'' he asked trying to keep up his facade of being annoyed at them.

"Did you hear about what happened to MJ?" Ned asked. 

"Yes, what do you expect me to do about it?" Peter asked trying to pretend that he wasn't bothered about what happened to her.

"Why are you acting like this? She is your friend." Ned said trying to figure out what was wrong with his best friend.

''I thought that I made myself clear that I don't want to associate myself with you people anymore. It is unfortunate what happened to your friend but all I could do is offer my condolences. Now if you know what's good for you, you will leave me alone'' Peter said trying his best to hide the desperation in his words.

Thankfully Ned just sighed and left. Peter felt lonely all over again. He just sent his best friend away and he was sitting at his table alone like a loser. He was a loser and not the 'loser' that MJ jokingly referred to him as. He was a helpless, lonely loser.

Maybe if he told Tony what was happening he could help but he couldn't risk his friends' or May's lives like that. He had to give in to the blackmailer.

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