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3rd POV
"What's for breakfast?" Peter asked as he entered the dining room.

''I made chocolate chip pancakes," Pepper said with a smile.

"You know what, I think that it's best that Peter stays in bed. Just to make sure he's properly healed," Tony said.

"Then why did you wake me up if you were going to just send me back to bed?" Peter asked while rolling his eyes.

"To have breakfast, maybe you should have breakfast in bed and Pep and I will come with you so you won't feel lonely," Tony said.

Peter and Pepper knew Tony was just trying to hide before everyone got up and came to the dining room to have breakfast. And by everyone they mean Steve.

''Mom doesn't like when we eat on the bed," Peter pointed out which was true. It was one of Pepper's biggest peeves.

''Yeah well you're hurt so she won't mind now come on, let's go quickly," Tony said.

They had breakfast in silence.

"Dad, I have something to say," Peter said after they finished eating.

"Then say it," Tony replied.

''You're probably not going to like it," Peter said with a sigh.

"Then don't say it," Tony responded and Pepper lightly hit him on  his shoulder.

''Go on Peter," she said with a smile.

"Ok, I want to go to school tomorrow and before you immediately say no I just want to point out that I'm fine and I've missed a lot of school recently and wouldn't it be suspicious if Spiderman stopped patrolling and Peter Parker disappeared at the same time?" Peter asked hoping to convince him.

"If that's what you want to do, then go ahead," Pepper responded before Tony could say anything.

"Peter, I just think you need some time to just rest and make sure that you're fine. " Tony said.

"That's what I'm doing today, come on dad please? I just left school yesterday without telling my friends they'll be worried about me," Peter said.

"And that's why cellphones exist. Is yours not working properly? I can get you a new one, maybe a few backups just in case," Tony said.

"Dad, please. I really miss having what was as close as possible  to a normal life," Peter said with a sigh.

"What are you talking about? You do have a normal life, you  have a good family, you go to school, you have friends and you're just a superhero as a part time job," Tony said.

"Yeah, well my family would be normal if they didn't smother me all the time not to mention that they're the avengers," Peter said with a sigh.

"So do you have a problem with me being part of the Avengers? Do you want me to leave the team? Will that make you happy? I'll do it for you if you want since we're not normal enough for you," Tony said being dramatic as usual.

"That's not what I'm saying and you know it. Just come on please," Peter begged.

"Fine but I don't understand why a kid would ever ask to go to school much less beg," Tony said with a shrug.

"Now Tony isn't there something that you have to go do? Peter and I have some catching up to do and we need some mother and son time," Pepepr said.

"No, I'm free for the day so let's have a family bonding day instead," Tony said.

"You're not free today Tony. You have a very important meeting and you have to talk to some people before that meeting so you better get to it," Pepper said.

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