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3rd POV
"Steve! What's happening?" Natasha asked worriedly through the comms.

"Steve no! Think with your head, not your emotions. If he blasts me you'll get the opportunity to destroy their last weapon while they're distracted. and they will be left defenseless," Tony said.

All the other Hydra agents were laying on the floor too injured to fight, they hadn't realized when that man grabbed the weapon and blasted Tony.

The man stepped on his chest harder causing Tony to gasp for air.

"Put the shield down Captain, or else your friend will die a slow painful death," the man warned.

"Steve, no! You wouldn't be able to protect yourself from the blast without your shield," Tony warned weakly.

"Do you need more motivation than this? I'm going to tell you one last time, drop the shield" the man said and moved his foot to Tony's throat.

"Rogers no!'' Tony warned. He couldn't let then win, if they did then they would be more careful when it came to collecting their weapons and they couldn't risk everyone's lives by allowing Hydra to have powerful, high tech weapons.

Steve sighed and dropped his shield. Even if he had listened to Tony, he wouldn't have been able to win that fight and he couldn't let his friend die like that.

"Steve no," Tony said.

''Good choice now get down on the ground," the man ordered and Steve complied.

Another Hydra agent came behind him and secured his hands behind his back with a cuff.

"Steve what's going on?" Clint asked this time through the comms but he still didn't give them an answer.

''Fuck you! We won't let you win! They'll come for you!" Tony yelled as the man lifted his foot off his throat.

"This one is annoying, knock him out before securing him," the man said with a roll of his eyes.

That was all Tony heard before all he saw was pitch black.

He woke up feeling like someone was pounding a hammer against his head. He slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a van with Hydra agents sitting around him.

He looked to his left and saw Steve.

''What the fuck happened!" Tony yelled loudly then regretted his decision because it made his head hurt more. He was about to move his hand to rub his head when he realized that he couldn't because he was also in cuffs.

"Shut up!" One of the agents said while pointing a gun at him.

"Let me go you dumbasses! My head fucking hurts!" Tony yelled again.

"Shut up Tony," Steve whispered to him.

"Last warning Stark you need to shut your mouth or else we'll do it for you! This isn't your company where you can order people around, you have to listen to us instead," the man said.

"How dare you disrespect me like that! Why don't you let me out of  these cuffs and fight me like a real man! Just you and me, no weapons, no one else!" Tony exclaimed annoyed.

"For fucks sake someone get the tape!" Another agent yelled.

One of the agents moved closer to Tony with the tape.

"No! Don't you fucking dare!" He yelled.

" I told you to shut up,'' Steve said with a sigh.

Tony's next words were muffled by the tape that was placed across his mouth.

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