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3rd POV

Peter woke up the next day and begun smiling. He remembered the events of the previous day and he couldn't be more thrilled. He hadn't just found his dad but he got a mom and he had the rest of his superfamily. They always were a family but Peter couldn't help but feel like he was bothering them sometimes.

He made his way to the dining room where everyone was waiting on breakfast. Apparently Pepper had decided to cook for them.

"Good morning everyone, do you need some help mom?" Peter asked.

"Good morning sweetie and no thanks I'm just finishing up," Pepper said.

"Since Pepper and Tony got promoted to being your parents why can't I be Uncle Clint?" Clint asked with a pout.

"Well I want to be his favorite Aunt Tasha," Natasha said.

"You can't force the kid to call you aunty and uncle," Steve pointed out.

"We know, we're just messing around, however if he wants to, I have no objections," Clint said with a laugh.

"I'll consider it," Peter said with a laugh.

"Don't worry Steve, we'll leave the title of grandpa for you," Tony joked causing him to get a death glare from Steve.

"Breakfast is ready," said while placing a plate of waffles in front of her son.

Everyone immediately started eating and complented Pepper on her cooking skills.

"So are you ready for school on Monday kiddo?" Bruce asked and Peter nodded.

"Yeah, I miss my friends," Peter admitted.

"Have you caught up on your work already?" Tony asked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah it's all done," Peter responded.

"I still can't comprehend the fact that Stark is actually trying to be responsible for once in his life," Clint said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Excuse me but I have been responsible before," Tony said faking offense to which they all rolled their eyes.

"I haven't gone out as Spiderman in like forever, can I go please? Peter asked giving them the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure but be careful," Pepper said and Peter nodded.


"Welcome back Peter," Karen's voice rang through his mask.

"Hey Karen can you call Ned for me please?" Peter asked.

"Calling Ned," Karen said.

"Hey dude, what's up," Ned said.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to talk to my guy in the chair," Peter said.

He stopped a burglary, saved a cat from a tree and a nice lady bought him a churro. It was a nice day for him. He decided to call May to see what she was doing.

"Hey Peter, how are you?" May asked when she answered the phone.

"I'm good, are you home right now?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, I just got back from a shift," May informed him.

"Great, could you open the window in my room please?" Peter asked.

"Ok," May said a bit confused as to why Peter was asking her to do that.

As soon as she opened the window Peter hopped through the window.

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