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3rd POV

"Do we tell them?" Clint asked.

"I- I don't know, maybe we should let them figure it out on their own,'' Pepper said.

"Its too early for this," Steve mumbled.

"You're right, I'll see you guys later," Natasha said and they all went back to their rooms.

When Pepper got back she looked at Tony who was fast asleep.

"You're a dad," she whispered to him with a smile and all she got in response was a quiet snore.

"You'll figure it out eventually," she said and decided to get a bit of rest before her day of work.

Peter woke up and immediately felt a rumble in his stomach. He quickly got dressed and made his way to the dining room where everyone was having breakfast.

Tony was sipping his coffee as usual but everyone else looked as though they were struggling to stay awake.

"You all look like zombies," Peter pointed out.

"Thanks Pete, you look great too," Clint said sarcastically causing Tony to snort.

"We have cereal for breakfast," Steve said tiredly.

Peter wondered why they were all so tired.  Steve always cooked breakfast for them unless he was tired from a mission but they hadn't gone on a mission recently.

"Thanks," Peter said as he was handed a bowl of cereal.

"Did you sleep well kid? Everyone else looks sleep deprived," Tony said with a chuckle.

There was this awkward tension amongst everyone.  Everyone kept glancing at Tony and Peter and then at each other.

After they did it for like the tenth time Tony had enough of it.

"Ok, that's it, they're acting weird and I'm going to my lab. Are you coming Pete?" Tony asked and Peter nodded.

"Let's go get some real food first, I know this great place that serves breakfast," Tony said and they were off.

"Way to act natural," Steve said after they left.

"Shut it grandpa," Clint muttered.

"They're always weird but they were acting more weird than usual this morning," Tony said before taking a bite of his pancakes.

"I know right, I couldn't stand the tension any longer," Peter responded.

"I always knew that we were the only normal ones in that tower," Tony said causing Peter to laugh.

"Tony, you know how you said you were planning to help me find my dad?" Peter asked.

"Yeah," Tony said.

"When do you think we could start looking for him," Peter asked quietly, he didn't want to annoy Tony about it.

"How about as soon as we get home," Tony said.

"Really? Thanks so much, you're the best!" Peter exclaimed excitedly.

"I know," Tony said with a smirk causing Peter to roll his eyes.

While they were driving home Prter got a text from Ned asking where he was.

Peter completely forgot that he didn't inform his friend about what was happening. He hadn't gone to school in two days nor had he responded to any messages.

"Hey Tony," Peter said.

"Yes kid?" Tony asked.

"Do you mind if I meet up with Ned after later today?" Peter asked.

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