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3rd POV
Tony made his way to Peter's room and quietly opened the door in case he had already fallen asleep.

He was surprised when he saw Ned, MJ and Peter sitting on the floor in a circle.

"What's going on here?" Tony asked curiously.

"Well Happy told Ned and I that Peter was back so you didn't expect us to not check on him," MJ said with a shrug.

"MJ, you can't talk to Mr. Stark like that!" Ned whispered to her, horrified that his friend would talk to Tony Stark in a sassy way.

Tony laughed a bit at that," Ok, I see your point, so what are you guys doing?"

"We're about to play monopoly," Peter said with a smile.

"You can join us if you want Mr. Stark or you don't have to, I'm sure you have better things to do than play a board game with three teenagers," Ned said nervously.

"I would love to join if it's ok with Pete and MJ and please call me Tony," Tony responded.

"It's fine by me," MJ said.

"As long as you don't say anything to embarrass me, you can join," Peter said.

"No, promises," Tony said with a grin and sat down next to Peter.

"I can't believe you won again!" MJ exclaimed after they played four games of Monopoly and Tony won all.

"He is a businessman MJ, what do you expect?" Ned asked rhetorically.

"He wouldn't have won if Peter didn't give him that property!" MJ complained.

"He guilt tripped me into giving it to him! What did you expect me to do? You're so evil," Peter said with a pout.

"Business is an evil thing," Tony said with a shrug.

"You manipulated me into giving you that property!" Peter said faking anger.

''Come on kid, don't be such a sore loser," Tony said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't if you didn't manipulate me!" Peter exclaimed.

"Shhh, if you yell you're going to wake your mom up and then we'll get in trouble because you are supposed to be asleep," Tony said.

"Well I'm already in trouble so it can't get worse than that for me," Peter said referring to their argument earlier that day.

"Well I will get in trouble if Pepper knows that I let you stay up so would you please talk softer," Tony said.

"I don't know, maybe I should wake mom up so she can yell at you in front of everyone," Peter said with a smirk.

"I said that I'm sorry kid, could you let that go already!" Tony defended himself.

Peter just glared at him in response. Of course he forgave him but he still felt like Tony had overreacted by grounding him.

"Fine, I feel bad for yelling at you so you're ungrounded," Tony said.

"And what about patrol? I can go alone right?" Peter asked excitedly.

"I'll think about it," he said.

Peter raised an eyebrow," Come on! I won't do anything like that again!"

"You don't know when to not stick your nose into a matter, I think that we need to watch you for a while," Tony said with a sigh.

"Well guys, you said that he was a cool dad, but he clearly isn't," Peter said trying to get out of it.

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