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3rd POV

"Incoming call from Mom," Karen announced and Peter's heart started to beat faster. Did something happen to her before he could get to her?

"Answer," Peter said.

"Peter Benjamin Parker Stark! Where are you? " Pepper asked angrily.

"Mom, I'm sorry something is going on, they're coming after you, all of you, I honestly don't know what to do," Peter said.

He was scared, sure he had helped the team on some big missions but he never had to deal with anything like that. Were they supposed to go into hiding? Was he supposed to stay and fight? Should they stay at the tower or should they go somewhere else? What if they got attacked while driving?

"Peter, honey what's going on? Who is coming after us?" Peter asked.

"I'm almost at the tower, just pack a bag with some clothes and maybe snacks, please, trust me," Peter said.

"I trust you sweetie, stay safe," she said and hung up.

''Ok Karen, call the police station now," Peter said.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator asked.

"This is Spiderman, I've webbed a criminal to a wall in his apartment, I need you to arrest him I will send the address," Peter said.

"I'm sure Spiderman could arrest his own guy and bring him to the station, we don't have time for pranks kid," the operator said.

''Listen to me, I am Spiderman and I'm dealing with something big here so if you can't cooperate with me then fine, I'll track the guy down again if I have to but just know that Tony Stark will be breathing down your neck when he finds out that you didn't help me." Peter threatened.

"Tell me the address and I swear to God if this is some prank we will track you down and you will have the police at your doorstep tomorrow," the lady warned.

Peter told her the address before hanging up and he had arrived to the tower and swung through his window.

''Friday, where is mom?" Peter asked.

"Miss Potts is in the living room," Friday said and Peter ran there and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that she was ok.

''What's happening baby?" Pepper asked when she saw her son and engulfed him into a hug.

"Did you pack the clothes?" Peter asked trying to hold back tears. He was just a kid and he was scared.

"I've been living with Tony Stark for years now, I always have an emergency bag of clothes for all of us, I even packed web fluid for you with your clothes," Pepper said.

"I found out who sent the Winter Soldier after dad and his brother was the one who hit your car, it wasn't an accident and now they want to attack me to get revenge on dad and they want to kidnap May and my friends so I sent Happy to get them and they're coming after you too and I don't know what to do, we're dealing with Hydra here, the team isn't home and I think we should go to another country but what if we get attacked on the road?" Peter asked worriedly.

''Calm down sweetheart, it will be ok I won't question you about how you found all of that out until we are all safe and together but for now I think we should leave New York until this settles down, cars come in and out of this tower so we will leave through the employee exit instead of the private one so it wouldn't be suspicious but for now I want you to change out of your suit and pack it because even though we have tinted windows, in case something happens before we get to the plane, nothing will but just in case, you have to be seen as Peter not Spiderman or else your identity will get revealed," Pepper said.

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