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3rd POV
After the team, minus Nat went outside of the room they signalled to Steve that he could go in.

''Aunt Nat," Peter said trying to get her to leave.

"I'm not going anywhere, I won't say anything, I promise," Natasha said.

"Please, Aunty Tasha,'' Peter said giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Those won't work on me baby spider and I'm not risking losing you ever again. I am not leaving and that's final," Natasha said firmly and Steve walked in.

"Hey Peter, how are you doing?" Steve asked.

"He would be doing much better if it wasn't for a certain someone," Natasha said with a roll of her eyes.

"Aunt Nat! You broke your promise!" Peter pointed out.

"I'm not sorry for that," she replied.

"Aunt Nat, you're seriously overreacting," Peter said with a sigh.

"I already told you that I'm not leaving. I won't say anything else, I promise, for real this time," she said.

Yeah she was probably overreacting but she was the only one who knew what was going through her mind.

She was never one to get attached to anything or anyone then the avengers came into her life. They quickly became a family but she still hid her emotions.

Then she met Peter. Her baby spider who softened her cold heart and taught her that it was fine to display emotions. She had lost a lot in her life and Peter was the closest thing she had and will ever have to a child.

She would never get to experience the ups and downs that comes with pregnancy nor would she ever get to experience that warm feeling of holding your baby for the first time. That opportunity was stolen from her a long time ago but she had Peter.

She was going to protect him from anyone who tried to harm him. She was extremely upset with Steve because he preferred them all to get killed rather than the Winter Soldier.

Of course everytime they stepped into a battle they knew that there was a possibility that they wouldn't walk out with their lives but Steve wanted to protect the person that was trying to kill them.

The person who tried to kill Tony. Despite the way she spoke to him she did care about Tony, somewhat. He was like a brother to her but she would never admit it out loud.

He was also Peter's father. The Winter Soldier nearly succeeded in his mission, if Peter hadn't intervened in time Tony would have been dead.

Her brother would have been dead. Her best friend's future husband. Her baby spider's dad who he recently reconciled with. He would have died.

They would have all been left devastated and Steve was aware of that, he was willing to put Tony through that physical pain and the rest of them through that emotional pain for the Winter Soldier.

She understood that Bucky used to be his friend and she fully supported him in his efforts to get rid of Bucky's trigger words but when the Winter Soldier got triggered and his mission was to kill Tony, why did he have to choose Bucky over the rest of them?

He didn't even want them to hurt the winter soldier bad enough just to knock him unconscious but he would allow Tony to die?

Steve also knew how much Pepper and Tony meant to Peter. Pepper had lost her memory and Peter had lost his mom temporarily and Steve was then willing to take his father away from him permanently?

Was Bucky that important to him or were they just not of any value to him? She would never leave Steve alone with her baby spider. Never again. She didn't care if anyone thought that she was overreacting but she was going to be there to defend Peter if need be.

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