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3rd Pov

Peter was having lunch with Ned and MJ when he heard a text message come in. He unlocked it to see a message from his dad on their family group chat.


Iron dad: Hey kiddo, we should be back by next week Friday at the earliest ☹.

Spider mom: We miss you though

Capsicle: how is school going?

Green bean: of course cap will ask the kid about school.

Baby Stark 🦈: but I miss you guys🥺

Iron dad: I miss you too

Baby Stark 🦈: Stay safe, I gtg. Peace ✌🏼

"What's wrong?" Ned asked after he saw his best friend start to pout.

"Dad's not coming home until next week Friday," Peter said with a frown.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but since when do you have a dad?" MJ asked genuinely confused. She knew that Peter lived with his aunt May since his parents died.

"Oops," Peter thought to himself, he forgot that he didn't fill MJ in on what happened. Did he even tell Ned about Tony being his father?

"You found him?" Ned asked confused as well.

Well he didn't share the news with Ned yet. In his defense he forgot because they always acted like a family so it wasn't weird or unnatural for him to remember to tell his friends.

"Well my dad," Peter started but got cut of by someone.

"You're dad doesn't exist. I'm sure that he killed himself after seeing what a horrible person you were. I won't be surprised if he faked his death to get away from a sorry excuse of a son like you," Flash said with a snicker.

"Haven't you bothered me enough for today?" Peter asked referring to when Flash beat him up before class in the morning.

Thankfully, due to his superpowers it would heal before he got home so Pepper wouldn't see it.

"Talking back to me. It seems that I'm going to have to teach you to not mess with me," Flash growled. "No wonder your parents killed themselves, you're so annoying,"

"My parents died in a plane crash," Peter said while struggling to hold back tears, "You don't know anything about me or my family, you don't have the right to say anything!" Peter exclaimed.

The bell rang ending lunch and preventing their banter from going any further.

"You and me. After school Parker. I'll show you," Flash said before walking off.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys about what happened, I honestly forgot," Peter said.

"Look loser, I can't handle the suspense, tell us while we walk to class," MJ said.

"So basically my mom had a one night stand with someone and well my dad wasn't my dad and I read her diary and I found out that I have another dad and I told Tony about him and he said that he would help me find my dad and then we found out that he is my biological dad and I moved into the tower and well the team went on a mission and they aren't coming back till next week Friday so I'm sad," Peter said in one breath.

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