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3rd POV
''Peter, we are landing in approximately 10 minutes," Friday said causing him to get startled since he was asleep.

"Thanks Fri,'' he responded and quickly took a snack out of his bag and munched on it.

Surely by then, Wakanda would have realized that a helicopter was heading towards them and they were probably ready to fight.

Peter quickly put his suit on as Friday landed the helicopter. He stepped out to be met by an army on the other side of the barrier waiting for whoever was trying to invade their lands.

''Who are you and why have you come here?" One of the men asked.

"I am Spiderman, I work with the Avengers sometimes and I come in peace, I would like to speak with King T'challa," Peter said hopefully.

''Spiderman, then why haven't you informed us that you were coming?" Another soldier asked.

"It was a sudden decision and I didn't really have contact with him," Peter tried explaining.

"I thought that you said that you worked with the Avengers?" The soldier asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's fine, let him in," King T'challa said taking off his black panther mask. Peter hadn't even realized that he was there.

''Thank you, your highness," Peter said wondering if he should bow or not.

''What do you need to speak to me about?" He asked when Peter was allowed in.

"It would be nice if I could speak to you in um private," Peter said hopefully.

"Then you must take of your suit,'' a woman who was following them behind said.

"I, I don't feel comfortable revealing my identity," Peter said. If he took off the mask they would see how young he was and no one would take him seriously.

"How are we supposed to know that you won't trust to harm the king? Take of your mask at least!'' The woman demanded.

Peter sighed and did as he was asked.

"You're a kid," King T'challa said wondering why in the world would a kid want to talk to him.

"Please your highness, I just need to talk to you," Peter said.

"Very well," he said and lead him to a conference room. "What do you need to talk to me about?"

"The Winter Soldier," Peter responded.

''How do you know that he is here? Who are you really?" T'challa asked.

"I am close with the Avengers, they told me after the attack the soldier made on my da- Mr. Stark's life." Peter explained.

''Ok, so what do you want to know?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What happened? Someone deliberately tried to trigger the Winter Soldier because my dad- Mr. Stark was his new mission, Peter pointed out. He thought that if he told the king that Tony was his dad he would realize that Peter came there without his knowledge and then call Tony and tell him what Peter was doing.

"Well I wasn't there at the time but the evidence has been tampered with. I can lead you to the guards who were outside the room that night but I'm not sure how valid the security footage is," T'challa replied.

"What do you mean that the security footage is not valid?" Peter asked.

''Someone hacked into our security system and was accessing that particular footage, I have no idea if they deleted anything that could be important," he replied.

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