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3rd POV
It was early in the morning when Tony and Peter finished their work. Bruce had gone to bed earlier.

"Alright kid, bed time," Tony said.

"I'm not sleepy yet," Peter said and he let out a yawn as soon as he finished the statement.

"Sure you aren't, goodnight underoos," Tony said.

"Good night. Are you going to bed?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to bed," Tony said.

"Is something bothering you?" Peter asked.

"No, why would you say that?" Tony asked while playing with his thumbs.

"Because you have that look on your face," Peter said.

"What look?" Tony asked.

"When you're worried or nervous you have this look on your face and you always play with your fingers,'' Peter pointed out.

"Well you're wrong, so go to bed Pete," Tony said.

"Come on, just tell me what's wrong?" Peter asked.

"Nothing, go to sleep before Pepper finds out that you're still awake,'' Tony said.

"She's asleep so she won't find out. Just tell me, please," Peter said.

Tony sighed because his kid was so damn stubborn. He didn't want to burden Peter with his problems.

He was his father, Peter was supposed to come to him with his issues, not the other way round. If he told Peter what's on his mind he knew that Peter wouldn't judge him but if a problem arises in his life he wouldn't tell him.

"I know what you're thinking, we're friends right?" Peter asked.

''Well yeah, I guess so," Tony said with a sigh.

"Yes or no, guessing isn't an option," Peter said.

"Yes, we are friends," Tony said.

"Good and friends tell each other when something is bothering them, so tell your friend what's happening," Peter said.

''Kid-" Tony started.

"No, I know that you feel like you're going to burden me with your problems but how about this, when you have a problem, you can talk to me as a friend and when I have a problem I'll talk to you as a friend. We won't be burdening each other because friends are supposed to be there for each other. Of course family supports each other too but I know that you think you have to be there for me and not the other way around so we will talk as friends." Peter said.

Tony looked at him fondly, Peter was such a blessing in his life.

"Fine." He gave in after realizing that Peter wasn't going to give it up.

"Great, so what's bothering you?" Peter asked.

"I'm worried about this mission," Tony admitted.

"What about it?" Peter asked.

"Its extremely risky, there's a high possibility that Hydra will be waiting for us when the SHIELD agents take down the traitors. Who knows, we might have missed someone and they could inform Hydra in time to prepare for an attack. Plus we've only seen some of their weapons, which knows what we're up against," Tony said with a sigh.

"Oh, don't worry about it, you guys are the Avengers, the greatest team of people on earth, you'll win this one like every other one," Peter tried encouraging him.

"But at what cost?" Tony murmured but with Peter's dialled senses he heard him.

"We can't change what was destined to happen," Peter said with a sigh.

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