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3rd POV

"Where is the kid?" Happy gritted out angrily.

Noel chuckled darkly before saying, "Did Stark not tell you?"

"Tell us what?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Your kid, Peter, he's dead," Noel said, and as soon as he said that Pepper chose that exact moment to walk in to the living room.

"What?" She asked full of shock.

"You heard me Pepper, Peter Parker is dead, no longer alive, he's gone," Noel replied.

"You're lying!" She accused him angrily. Peter couldn't be dead, not her son, she couldn't lose him.

"Why did we not find his body if he is dead then?" Sam asked.

"I'm telling you the same thing I told Stark, all of you killed my brother together! I could barely recognize his body when I found him!" Noel said trying to suppress some tears, "I killed your kid and I stole his body from you! You wouldn't even get to see him one last time!"

Everyone was in shock, Peter couldn't be dead. Who would annoy them with a ton of stupid memes and star wars references every two seconds?

"There is no way that could be true!" Pepper yelled.

"Stark is the one who lied to you by not telling you that the kid is dead," Noel said with a sinister grin plastered over his face.

''Stop lying you fucking bastard!" May snapped at him.

''Ah, the aunt, this all could have been avoided, you could have been at home with your nephew right now but you chose to let him get involved with Tony Stark, I'm sorry it had to go down this way Mrs. Parker I have nothing against you,'' Noel said.

''You had no right to do what you did! Peter was innocent, I know that you're lying about killing Peter but you did something to him and you better tell us where he is right now before I kill you with my bare hands!" May yelled.

''Killing me wouldn't change the fact that your nephew is dead and you know what, part of it is your fault, you allowed your nephew to get close with Stark despite knowing how many enemies he has," Noel said before he got punched so hard that he got knocked out cold.

"Pepper! How are we going to get any information about Peter now?" Steve asked after Pepper hit him with an extreme amount of force.

''He wasn't giving us any information anyway! He was only trying to feed us lies!'' Pepper exclaimed.


"Tony's suit landed,'' Wanda told Natasha. They were following his suit, Natasha was driving while Wanda was giving her directions while looking at the GPS on Tony's suit.

They quickly arrived at the location where Tony's suit landed and came out of the car to see Tony lying on the ground.

"Tony, what's wrong?" Natasha asked worriedly when they got out of the car.

''Nothing, I just panicked what are you two doing here?" Tony asked. While he was flying the fact that his son could be possibly dead had sunk in and he experienced a panic attack.

''You didn't really think that we would let you face Hydra by yourself?" Natasha asked rhetorically.

''Just get in the car and tell us where we have to go," Wanda said and he did so without argument. Of course Tony felt like it would be faster if he had just flown but he knew that Wanda and Natasha wouldn't let him go on his own especially after he just had a panic attack and arguing would just waste time.

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