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3rd POV
Peter woke up the next morning and went to the dining room for breakfast. Natasha made it clear the previous night that he wouldn't be going to school.

Good morning Peter," Pepper said

"Oh my god! Mom you're back! I missed you so much," Peter exclaimed.

"I missed you more. How are you feeling?" Pepper asked as Peter walked into the dining room.

"I'm feeling much better," Peter said even though it was a lie. His skin was still a bit feverish and he looked pale.

"Are you lying to your mother?" Pepper asked sternly.

"Ok fine, I don't feel the best right now," Peter admitted.

"Then after breakfast you're going straight back to bed to take a nap," Pepper said.

"But I want to talk to you," Peter pouted.

"I'll be here when you wake up," Pepper said.

"I'm not tired though," he said

"You're always tired," Pepper pointed out.

"Ok fine," Peter said.

"Good morning," Natasha said as she walked in. Clint came in a few minutes later.

"So how come you're back early?" Peter asked.

"Well I heard that you were sick so how could I not come back," Pepper said.

"Mom, you didn't have to do that. I know that you had some important stuff to take care of," Peter said.

"Nothing is more important than you, and I took care of the most important stuff anyway so it doesn't matter," Pepper said.

"Oh," Peter responded.

Peter's phone began to ring before the could continue their conversation.

"Hello," Peter answered without looking at who was calling.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Tony asked.

"Hey dad! I'm still not feeling the best but I'm ok. Mom is here and I miss you," Peter said.

"I miss you too, go take some rest then," Tony said.

"I will, be safe," Peter said.

"Haha I will. Love you, bye," Tony said before hanging up.

"So I was thinking that we could watch a movie when you wake up," Natasha said.

"Oooh can I choose?" Peter asked.

"Sure," Pepper said.

"Now off to bed you go," Steve said.

"Ok I'll see you in a bit,"  Peter said and went to sleep.

Luckily he was feeling better when he woke up the next day. Maybe it was because of his fast healing.

It took some convincing, but Pepper allowed him to go to school.

"I'm glad to see that you're better loser," MJ said as they sat in class.

"Thanks," he said.

"Shh, no talking!" The teacher said looking at them pointedly. MJ and Peter decided to talk over paper.

Peter: how rude! This is a free country! I demand freedom of speech!

MJ: this classroom isn't a democracy. We have no rights. So what happened to you anyway?

Peter: just the flu but mom came home so I'm less sulky now

MJ: so do you remember what your dad said at the hospital?

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