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3rd POV
As soon as Peter opened his eyes he could tell that something was going to go wrong. He just had this intuition, maybe it was his spidey sense or as May loved to call it, his Peter tingle that was warning him about something.

When he went down to the dining room for breakfast everyone was silent.

"Good morning," Peter said wondering why they weren't talking.

"Morning," they all replied a bit grumpily.

"Ok what's wrong?" Peter asked even though he was grumpy himself.

"Nothing," Tony replied.

"Well if you say so, I think I'm going to just go to school now," Peter said awkwardly.

"You haven't eaten yet so please just sit down and eat," Tony said softly.

They ate in silence which was quite unusual for them. Normally they would all chat away and make snarky comments about each other but today they just sat in silence.

"Well I'm going to school now. Um bye," Peter said.

"Bye," they all said.

"Peter wait," Tony called and he turned around.

"Have a good day, I'm sorry about this morning, we just have some things to take care of," Tony said.

"Ok. I love you guys bye," Peter said and he got into the elevator with Pepper following him.

"Do you know what's going on with them?" Peter asked.

"They haven't told me a thing," Pepper said truthfully.

Peter sighed in response. "Don't worry about it, they will take care of it, you just focus on having a good day at school," Pepper said.

"Yeah, you have a good day too. Bye mo- aunt Pepper," Peter said and awkwardly got out of the car.

"Hey Parker! I can't believe you," Flash said as Peter rolled his eyes.

"What the actual fuck could you possibly want from me now?" He growled.

"You actually paid someone to pretend to be Tony Stark to come save you. How pathetic," Flash spat.

"Yeah you can think whatever you want but I'm not in the mood. If you think that wasn't the real Tony Stark well too bad for you but let me tell you it was him and if you even try to bother me then I can't stop him from ruining your life," Peter said and walked off.

Well at least he attempted to walk off.
"Who the hell do you think that you're talking to like that!" Flash yelled and punched Peter in his face.

"Not again," Peter thought to himself.
"Thompson! My office!" The principal called from behind them.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, he will tell his parents and then I'm out of a job then I'm going to be sued. Fuck," The principal thought to himself.

Ned and MJ had just walked in the school gate to see their friend holding a hand over his face while Flash stood their looking pissed off and the principal looked scared as hell.

"What happened?" They asked running up to their friend.

"Take him to the nurse's office please. I'll be there to check on him in a few minutes," The principal said and went to his office with a pissed off Flash following behind.

"Flash punched me," Peter said answering their question from earlier as they walked to the nurse's office.

''What the hell, wait, what happened yesterday, in the alley?" Ned asked.

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