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3rd POV
Pepper took Tony to his room and tried to calm him down while everyone else just stood there in shock. No one had expected Peter to lash out like that.

Steve's phone began to ringing breaking the silence.

"Its Fury," he said before answering.

"They're not back at the tower at the moment," Steve said through the phone leaving everyone curious as to what they were talking about.

''We should be back soon, we'll look into it as soon as we get back, I'll tell Tony to talk to him," he said before hanging up.

The rest of the team looked at him expectantly.

''Someone hacked into Wakanda's surveillance footage, they accessed data from the day the Winter Soldier got triggered, T'challa tracked them down to New York and instead of pinpointing a location he's asking if we could track the person down and take care of it," Steve said with a sigh.

"Who would do that?" Clint asked with a sigh.

"That's what we have to get Tony to find out," Steve responded.

Ned looked at MJ nervously, he didn't know if he should just confess or should he wait until Peter tells them or worse, if they find out on their own.

"I'll show you guys to your room," Wanda said after another few minutes of silence had passed.

"I'll go check on Peter," Natasha said , she wasn't even sure where he went.

Peter was furious when he left, he hadn't been to that house before so he wasn't exactly sure where he was going, not to mention the fact that it was fairly large.

Eventually he found an empty bedroom and locked the door before sitting on the bed.

He was still furious, how dare his dad embarrass him like that in front of his friends?

Then no one in his family would even try to come to his rescue and save him the humiliation. If he hadn't done what he did his friends and family could have been in serious trouble.

Maybe he should have told someone that he was going to Wakanda but then they would never have let him go.

To make matters even worse, Tony wants someone to hover over him while he goes on patrol and he wasn't allowed in the lab for three weeks.

Not that Peter cared  about the last part though, he didn't want to go to the lab to spend time with his dad anymore. He was just unreasonable and made Peter look like such a child in front of his friends.

"Peter, its Nat, can you let me in?" Peter heard Natasha say while knocking on the door.

He thought that if he remained quiet she would think that he isn't actually in there and then she would go look for him somewhere else.

"Peter, I know that you're in there,' she said after she knocked for a few minutes and he still didn't say anything to her.

"Go away Aunt Nat! I don't want to talk to you right now!" Peter said angrily. He had relied on her to save him from the embarrassment or to at least defend him. He was taken by surprise when she started scolding him too.

"Peter, I know that you don't mean that, just let me in please," Natasha said.

"Peter, I will break this for down if I have to just let me come in and talk to you," Natasha said after a few minutes passed and Peter didn't say anything else.

"I'm counting to three Peter and if you don't let me in I'm breaking the door down," Natasha said.

"One," she said starting to count.

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