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3rd POV

"Peter Parker to the principal's office,"

"You guys can go to class I'll be fine," Peter said after his friends shot him a worried glance.

"If you say so," Ned responded and MJ and him made their way to class.

Peter nervously made his way to the office. He was worried about why he was called and he was worried that Flash would try to mess with him again. What was he even doing there? It hadn't been two weeks yet.

"Ah Mr. Parker. Have a seat," Principal Morita said.

"Is something wrong?" Peter asked confused.

"You may have already heard but Eugene Thompson and his friends are back in school." he said.

"Yeah," Peter said unsure about where the conversation was headed.

"You and I both know that the two weeks of suspension has not been ended but they're back. Eugene's father is one of the school's largest donators. He threatened to withdraw from giving any donations if we didn't allow his son and friends back in the school," the principal said.

"Ok," Peter said a bit annoyed that they got away only because they had money.

"I know that it's unfair but I had to do it for the sake of the school and you better not inform your family about this situation," Principal Morita said.

"Are you threatening me?" Peter asked a bit shocked at the words that came out of his mouth.

"No, for heavens sake no," he replied.

''Well it sure sounded like a threat," Peter thought to himself.

"I'm requesting you, I had to ensure that our school has a continuous supply of funds. I know it's wrong but your father, in fact your entire family seems very protective over you and I'm sure they should be very upset to know about the outcome of this and I don't want any trouble ," the principal said worriedly.

"I won't tell them but if Flash or one of his friends injure me, there is no way I could hide it from them," Peter said.

"Thank you Peter, you may go to class." Principal Morita replied.

"Today better end well," Peter thought to himself.

"Hey Parker!" Flash called as Peter was making his way to class.

"What?" Peter asked hoping that nothing goes wrong.

"I see you tried to get us in trouble. After school at the alley down the street. If I have to come find you it won't end well," he said and walked off.

"Oh for fucks sake," Peter groaned. What the hell was he supposed to do? He couldn't avoid Flash forever and they had last period together so Peter couldn't neccesarily escape him.

What was he supposed to do if he had visible bruises. He knew his dad would flip if he found out about them getting out of suspension earlier and then threatening him.

"Guys, Flash wants me to meet him in the alley after school," Peter said as he sat down with his friends to have lunch.

''You're not going," MJ announced.

"I have to. Remember what happened last time." Peter groaned.

"What did the principal call you for?" Ned asked.

"Oh he asked me to not tell my dad about Flash and his crew coming back to school earlier but, they will know that something is up if I go home with bruises and they will force it out of me," Peter said.

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