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3rd POV

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Tony asked worriedly.

"I- I was just heading home." Peter tried. God was he a terrible liar.

"Cut the crap kid. What happened?" Tony said sternly.

"I got lost..." Peter tried once more. The look on Tony's face emphasized the fact that he wasn't joking around and it scared the hell out of Peter.

"Ok fine, I got into an argument with May and I wanted to clear my head," Peter explained.

"And you weren't planning on going back home tonight. Were you?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow and Peter muttered a quiet no.

"Damn it kid. I was so worried when I realized that you changed out of your suit in the back of an alley and stayed there for nearly 2 hours! You could have come by to the tower!" Tony ranted.

"It's fine Mr. Stark I can handle one night on my own and I didn't want to burden you with my stupid problems," Peter explained.

Tony sighed. " Look kid, I may not be the best with expressing emotions but I care about you. I really do and you can tell me anything. It could be the littlest thing that you need help with or it could be any time of the day I will always be here for you. We all love you very much and you could never be a burden."

"Thanks Mr. Stark," Peter said with tears in his eyes. Maybe Tony could help him with his mission.

"Let's go kiddo, it's late," Tony said.

"I- I don't want to go back to the apartment," Peter said with tears.

"You can stay with me tonight. Now come on Happy is waiting." Tony said.

"You woke Happy up at nearly 3 am. Didn't he get mad?" Peter asked.

"Well he wanted to rip my head off when I called him but when I said that a certain spider baby was in distress he rushed over," Tony said with a smile, and Peter laughed.

They finally made it back to the tower and Tony sent Peter to his room to get changed. Peter stayed overnight at the tower regularly so he had his own room and clothes at the tower.

Tony started to prepare a grilled cheese sandwich for Peter because he knew that he would be hungry.

He pulled out his phone and called May.

"Hello. Tony, is something wrong? Why are you calling me at this hour?" May asked in a confused voice.

"Oh I'm sorry if I woke you May," Tony said.

"No, it's fine. I'm getting ready for work anyway. Oh my god!" May yelled.

"Are you ok? Do you need me to come over? I'll get the rest of the team," Tony's rambling was cut off my May speaking once more.

"No, I'm fine, its just that Peter and I had a bit of a disagreement and he went to his room and I wanted to give him some space. I just came to check up on him  before I left since he would be asleep but he's gone!" May panicked.

"Calm down May, that's what I'm calling about, Peter is with spending the night at the tower. I just wanted to let you know because I assumed that he didn't inform you when he left," Tony said and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did, Did he tell you what the argument was about?" May asked.

"No, I won't ask him unless he tells me himself. I don't want to overstep any boundaries with him but I'll always be there if he wants to talk," Tony said.

"He looks up to you Tony. You won't be overstepping any boundaries. You're practically family. You're the only father figure he has in his life and I'm glad that he has someone that he could talk to," May said.

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