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David pov

I looked through books and books and found nothing. "I wonder if it's even here." I let out a sigh and turned to kirlia who was reading a book.

"What are you reading kirlia?"

Kirlia shuts the book immediately and turns to me with a shade of red I never thought was possible.

"Are you ok?"

Kirlia nods. "What book are you reading?" Kirlia hesitantly gives me the book.

"Could this be, kirlia I think you found the book."

Kirlia nods still completely flustered.

I looked through the book and reached a page. *kirlia?*

Kirlia: *y-yes?*

*I know you're flustered and by all rights you should be.*

Kirlia stutters over her words through telepathy.

Kirlia: *w-what book is this? W-why is it-?*

I gently held kirlia's hand and pull her into a hug. The same pink strands of light calming us both down and she understood.

Kirlia: *I- I see.*

*it was an old book from an old time.*

Kirlia: *d-does your-*

*thoughts change? No they dont, no matter if you are a pokemon. My thoughts stay the same.*

I continued to hold her hand as we went to the front desk to purchase the book. After words we walked outside with braixen and riolu waiting for us.

Briaxen: *yawns* br--aixen. (I'm ready for sleep.)

Riolu nods.

"Alright. Return you two." A red beam shot at riolu and braixen and pulled them into their pokeballs.

Kirlia: kir? (David what's that?)

I looked around and saw nothing. "What is i- oh~ the music."

(Dance with the trees -adrian von ziegler)

"Hey clemont, were going to go to where that music is. Wanna come with?"

Clemont walks out with his book on technology.

Clemont: sure, what about you ash?

Ash gave a smile before saying yes.
"Alright, let's go then. Clemont do you have any idea where it might be?"

Clemont: it would be at the center of luminose. At luminose tower.

As we made our way to the center of the city the voices of serena and bonnie called out to us.

Bonnie: Clemont, Ash, David. Wait for us.

We turned around to see serena and bonnie. "How was your shopping trip?"

Serena: oh it was wonderful, I found some wonderful clothes for the future. What did you 2 buy?

"I found a book on ancient sinnoh, Clement bought a book on technology. We were about to go see what the music is about."

Bonnie: *yawns* ok. I'm getting tired. I'll stay up a bit longer.

We reached the center of luminose to see people and pokemon dancing to the music. Kirlia smiles and turns to me.

Kirlia: *want to dance with me?*

I gave a smile and extended a hand. *of course, how could I decline.*

Almost like royalty kirlia gently held my hand and began to slowly dance to the beat, a crowd forms to watch us slowly step and sway to the tempo.

Bonnie: *whisper* wow, I knew they were close but...

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