ch31 Resistance

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Ch31 pt1

As time moves forward the entire world had caught wind of the scarlet knights and their plans. Fear had begun to be instilled in a great many of civilians and trainers alike. But with that fear a select few will triumph past that and engage the evil that threatens all.

One such trainer and his posse in the once beautiful city of castelia, burnt and charred buildings littered the city for as far as the eye can see. Many such buildings had collapsed during the knights invasion, and thus creating a battlefield for resisting trainers.

Seung Kim, a mafia leader of castelia city who gave a headache to officer Jenny and the law enforcement there. He and his brothers and sisters fought and actually held several key territories within the city before the knights began to invade.

He was tall, muscular, and very aggressive. He has a buzz cut black hair and often smokes a cigar, he has the traditional Korean beard to go with the look, but his key schtick in the whole is his entire left arm is covered in one massive tattoo.

Kim controlled close to several miles worth of territory within the city, but now when the knights invaded, he and his yakusa family fell back to his most heavily defended part of his territory: A block, or what law enforcement call, crime central.


The sounds of battle roars as about 200 or so Yakusa trainers hold onto defensed areas around collapsed buildings and structures. Pokemon unleashing hellfire moves to force back the ever approaching mightyena and houndoom.

And at the head of the fighting stood Seung Kim with a pissed yet stoic expression on his face. With his arms crossed and his tattoos exposed he mere presence was intimidating in of itself with Kim smoking a cigar it just made it that more intimidating. He has brass knuckles attached to his fist with what appears to be dried blood stuck to it indicating his use of hand to hand combat.

His eyes narrow as several dark pulses flew overhead, it explodes behind him but Kim remains unfazed, if anything it entertained him. Beside him were his pokemon, the original members of his mafia.

A Garchomp, being Kim's pokemon he had seen a great amount of combat, earning him tattoos of his own and many scars. The most prominent was a scar that went from the top left of his head, past his left eye and to the right side of his chin.

On the other side of Kim was his other pokemon: Sawk, similarly to Garchomp, sawk Dawn's tattoos and scars the same, but less of scars.

Above the Boss was a large Braviery. With tattered and damaged wings the bird pokemon oozed veterency and combat prowess. With scars as well lacing his entire body.

And lastly, standing below Kim was a massive crocodile like pokemon. Krookidile, in the long claws of the pokemon were iron extensions made specifically for illegal battles in the undercity. Krookidile despite being the newest member of Kim's team of battle hardened pokemon he was by far the most honorable and courageous. With his speed and strength to compliment his wit and will, he is a pokemon no trainer wants to fight on the battlefield.

The sight of rising smoke and smog brought Kim much sadness. He appreciated the calm, quiet and honorable nature of the Yakusa and his territory. As long as the law enforcement didnt bother him, he wouldn't bother them.

But with the arrival of the knights, Kim longs for that peace and quiet again. But he can't achieve it without taking out the knights that invaded his territeoy.

Kim clicks his teeth before removing his cigar and exhales, the smoke flies softly out of his lungs as 3 mightyena charged passed the front and towards the yakusa boss in hopes of taking him out.

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