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Hello everyone I am happy about the milestone for its probably something that'll never happen again. I am also hoping you enjoyed part 1 of the 4th wall inclusion that was the filler part 1.

Part2 of the filler will be a little later as they are mostly used for both comical bail and a test of my writing abilities to see where I could change for the future.

(Which is evident if you go back to ch1 of the story to chapter 72. A BIG difference of writing styles. Which I'm hoping is a positive thing. Also I straight up encourage the use of interacting with the filler chapters. Who knows maybe I'll use you're comment for a future filler or something. Who knows.)

Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 73.


Back in the mountains of kalos a thick fog covered the range as pokemon hid amidst the brush and trees. Heavy thumps of pokemon echoed around as 3 pokemon silhouettes ran on all fours.

The camera maintained its distance leaving the sense of mystery for the pokemon trio.

???: David and kirlia have gone to Unova, we must go there to assist him.

One pokemon spoke telepathically whilst leaping onto a fallen log and jumping once more landing infront of the other 2.

???2: we know, Arceus gave him and his friends a mission to halt the war from reaching kalos and other regions.

Another spoke, it's voice feminine and motherly whilst the other was coarse and fatherly. The 3rd spoke up, a combination of the two expressing the need to be quick.

??3: we must leave now, the monsters of the knights are growing stronger by the day, they're forces are growing astronomically quickly. It's only a matter of time until they accrue the forces neccessary to challenge the entire world.

The trio of pokemon ran through the fog ridden forests, passing by pokemon hiding in the trees. The fog barely lifted giving the camera to reveal a portion of what they were.

A mixture of colors from the trio, red, yellow, blue. One would immediately suspect legendary or mythical, and correct they would be.

 One would immediately suspect legendary or mythical, and correct they would be

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Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. The legendary beast pokemon of the world. The trio ran through the forest continuing the conversation.

Entei: I understand the haste Raikou, and we shall tomorrow. We need to get somewhere first, and it within the mountain forest.

Raikou sighs sorrowfully, suicune ran up and matched his pace of speed. A gentle icy mist fell from his back before he spoke.

Suicune: everything will be alright Raikou, you already know how strong David has become with 3 of his family achieving that ability of the Gods...

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