ch32 pt2

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A spectacular evolution pt2

The departure of bonnie brought immense shock to all the trainers present. Clemont and serena watch dumbfounded by the rather brash action Bonnie took. Ash was smiling as he was beaten to the punch by bonnie all the while alder was struggling not to laugh as well.

Alder: teamwork makes the dreamwork, well ash what do ya say?

Ash turns to alder with his smile never wavering, he forms a fist and pumps it into the air with pikachu doing the same.

Ash: yeah, I agree, everyone come on out.

Fletchling, froakie comes out of their pokeballs and looks to his pokemon before to his friends. Ash smiles to his friends as Dawn, brock, cilan and iris returns said smile.

Brock: if you're willing to go this far for this David fellow then by all means I'm in.

Trip, paul and ash's other rivals smile before tossing their rerespective pokeballs into the air and catching them again like the badasses they are.

Trip: count me in, it isnt every day that we can gang up on a champion with a no holds bar match.

Paul: damn right.

Ash chuckles before waving them over as Alder walks over with a pokeball of his own in hand.

Alder: hey, don't leave me out of it. I've heard many things about David, all of them are good. So our best bet is to keep David in Kalos not in Erebor which is outside the region.

Ash nods to his friends before they all took to the streets, sprinting as fast as they can to luminose tower, at the tower however Diantha and cynthia were plotting to find a way to defeat David whom had taken a defens approach at the top of the tower where Riolu and the others sat meditating.

Diantha grits her teeth relatively annoyed by the situation at hand, she crosses her arms and narro her eyes before glaring at David at the top of the tower.

Diantha: this kid is up to something and that old man Alder knows of it.

Cynthia: yup, but we need to beat this kid nonetheless. No matter what plan he had up his sleeve, hes on his own and with two of us... I'm sure we'll win.

With the rather arrogant statement out in the world the two champions would soon find themselves in quite the predicament momentarily. At the top of the tower an emotional situation was unfolding for David and Riolu. Old wounds were brought to light and the under confidence Riolu has revealed itself.

Riolu: I-I CAN'T!!!! I CAN'T DO IT!!!

Riolu shoots through his aura making it flare visibly violent for David and the others, Tears fell from the aura pokemon as he tries to wipe them away. Old wounds had opened and the extent of them originated with Riolu's previous trainer.

Physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect of both varieties and lastly the psychological impact of said abuse. It was so bad that the author refused to put it into the story.

David sat by his side with his arms around him doing his best to comfort Riolu. Braixen and kirlia stood on guard on the edge of the tower watching for the movement of the champions below, but their hearts longed for the comfort of their comrade.

Riolu: I can't do it master. I just can't, it hurts to much to do anything. I've failed you many times and my previous master. I'm weak, to weak to do anything.

David pulls Riolu closer into his hug before wiping his tears once more comforting him as much as he can.

David: you have not failed me Riolu, you have done so much and gone further beyond what I have been expecting. You've fought against the scarlet knights on equal footing, protected the people at the defense of shalour city and even defeated the champions volcorona. That in of itself speaks volumes of you're abilities. You are not weak Riolu, you are anything but.

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