ch25 (ultra long chapter)

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A/N this is a very combat heavy chapter that'll mark the end of the arc.

The sound of galloping gogoats and the wheezing of David and his pokemon family can be heard, 3 carriages carried ash and our heroes, 1 carried nurse joy and David/ his team and one with a female trainer with her little sister named lily and Jenna.

It had been 2 hours since their last battle with the scarlet knights. Braixen had overexerted herself to barely the point of death, Riolu is suffering from numerous fractures within his ribs and lastly David and Kirlia with their shared bond suffers from numerous fractured ribs and severe internal bleeding but however David has additional injuries. One such were nasty burns on his forearms and the left side of his lower chest. How they appeared their was a mystery for the ages.

Nurse joy has been taking care of them nonstop as the carriages left the forests of kalos and onto the roads to cyllage city, and with many things coming their way. They weren't out of the woods yet.

Now with the POV change. David pov

Ow..... it hurts..... everything.... hurts.... I can't.... move

The sensation of being stabbed resounded through my body, burning sensations echoed around my chest and arms as the sound of my wheezing echoed in my mind.

Something happened to braixen, I could feel it. I could sense something had happened to her.

My eyes gently open, the sight of the rising sun in the distance brought a weak smile on my face for it meant one thing....... we survived.

I tilted my head to the side, I felt the bones in my neck creak and crack and my muscles twitching under each movement, and each movement hurt like no tomorrow.

"B-braix....en? Kir...lia? W-where am....I?"

My soft voice meant the world to everyone as bonnie was quick to react and hopped over from her carriage over to nurse Joy's in a matter of seconds.

She lands into a somewhat sloppy combat roll and runs towards me with a smile on her face.

Bonnie: David!? You're awake!!!

She wrapped her arms around me tightly as more sound of shuffling occured around me.

Braixen: Br...aix....en... (Hey....David...)

I turned my head to braixen but only came face to face with all 3 pokemon in similar straits to I. I extended a hand to her cheek and gently scratched it earning quite the pur.

"You.... did... good.... I saw it.... for a few transformed into something.... beautiful."

Her purs grew louder as she scooted closer to me while grabbing onto my arm, however she felt oddly warmer. She looked weakened and sluggish.

"Are you... ok?"

The Braixen lightly smiled as nurse joy explained the situation.

Nurse joy: her transformation caused her to explode with heat almost to the equivalent of the sun. She fought in that form for perhaps 5 minutes burning any and all energy her body had. She'll have to rest for awhile.

"I... I see..."

Braixen pulled me closer and nuzzled her head into my chest. The fox hummed and closed her eyes immediately falling asleep. "Get some rest braixen, you deserve every last bit of it."

Still in pain I turned my head to kirlia whom was also unconscious. I extended a hand to her and gently rubbed her hair. "And... what about kirlia?"

Nurse joy placed her hand onto kirlia's forehead checking her temperature.

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