ch50 pt4 final part

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This is the final part of the ch50 special. This will be a very long chapter.

30 minutes pass and battle has swarmed the city. The beginning with braixen was only the start. The knights and captains ran passed the hyperesonant fire type and invaded the city. Galvantula, turtwig and the other trainers stood their ground as defiant as they could put were ultimately pushed back to the outermost line of defense in the city.

(The inner outskirts)

Large detonations occur that shook the city and further polluted the darkened skies. With knight already here the only sources of light were the explosions from pokemon moves and the quick flashes of gunfire.

David with kirlia was moved to the city center with Anita and was beginning to stabilize but was still in critical condition. Anita was there with him trying her best, lily ran back to Jenna's side to help her out and to watch over braixen, lucario, turtwig and galvantula.

Thus brings us to the now:


Knight: houndooms use flamethrower, reveneon use shadow claw!!!

A barrage of energy manifested stars were throws towards a city building corner striking it. A knight appears from it and a houndoom sprints from behind him and fires a torrent of flames at leafeon. But glaceon counters it with icebeam creating a cool mist that covers the streets.

Braixen uses the low pressure environment to instantly change the scale of her fire blitz to something absolutely remarkable.

She cupped her hands together and slammed the ground, allowing a pillar of white fire to emerge from the ground. The sudden increase in pressure quickly became painful for the houndoom. Then it detonated launching the pokemon down the road and in bedding itself into the road.

Knight: damnit. DIE!!! REVENEON!!!

the ghost type eevee materializes itself infront of braixen and fires off a point blank shadow ball. She flies back and slides against the ground, she recovers herself but the immense heat literally melted the pavement she stood on.

In order to avoid friendly fire she bursts in a sprint towards the reveneon and throws a powerful flying roundhouse sending the eeveeloution into a building wall. Braixen brought her hands above her head and quickly fires a beautiful beam of green energy into the reveneon.

Smoke picks up clouding Braixen's vision momentarily, but only the roar of reveneon confirmed that it was still alive. The roar was dark and coarse, it was filled with rage and anger. Then a black light forms in the maw of reveneon moments prior to a beam of that same black light flies forward towards braixen.

She wasn't going to be able to react in time to it. But Lucario did, he sprints at breakneck speeds with his aura flaring violently. He lands infront of Braixen and formed a ball of aura in front of him and deflected the attack.

Braixen: a-ah... lucario.... thank you...

The aura from lucario subsides lightly as he takes a breath of polluted air.

Lucario: these pokemon are relentless... such strength cannot be obtained naturally... where did they come from?!

Lucario jerks his head to the reveneon as the smoke cleared, the eyes of the pokemon glowed a vibrant purple and once again slowly began its approach towards the duo.

Braixen growls at the reveneon as her fur provided light for those around her. But it made the situation eerie and ominous as the slow approach of reveneon continued. But now everyone was able to get a good look at the pokemon... it scared them...

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