ch50 battle of wills pt2

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All was calm in straighton city for the time being. The smoke and debri from fires, dust, dirt and ash all pollute the once wonderful skies of the city. The people within: the resistance fighters, unovian fighters and trainers alongside Seung Kim's mafia, they held the line of the city outskirts refusing the advancement of the scarlet knights.

But amongst the ranks 1 trainer stood out from the rest, born from a powerful and prestigious family of Plainfield, David. David sat beside kirlia and his other pokemon, remaining quiet despite the frantic voices and scurrying of the other trainers.

Jenna and lily stood nearby keeping a watchful eye on the boy. They were worried for David, who wouldn't? David was only 13 going onto 14 in under 2 weeks, David shouldn't be in this mess to begin with.

But a disastrous woman sought chaos and despair to all members of Plainfield and all who associated. If it meant the destruction of the world then that woman would go that far for it.

But with this the mental health and psychology of David slowly deteriorated. PTSD and other trauma related disorders is slowly beginning to fall upon him. Fear, despair, anger. and hate is slowly creeping up within him.

And this will only get worse as he continues to be exposed to these situations.

Beyond the city, beyond the ashes that is straighton city stood a massive force, almost 500 knights strong with thousands and thousands of mightyena and houndoom all marching and making way to straighton city with a very obvious mission in mind.

Alongside the main force flew seversl squadrons of assault helicopters, apc's and many other light vehicles. Leading this force were 2 woman whose names are unknown at the moment. But one with violet hair whom had defeated David in battle and the other with silver hair, whom had lost to David back in kalos..
As they walked on the dirt road the two were silent, they had a mission to perform and to complete.

???: well I gotta say, this is fairly amusing.

???2: what are you on about Victoria.

Victoria, the knight that defeated David in combat prior. Victoria humms and looks to the distance, the smoke and smog from straighton city becoming even more evident by the second.

Victoria: I'm actually excited about this. I mean, I had the advantage of surprise during my battle with David, but now that he knows what my reveneon can do.... hehehe I'm really excited, what about you jess?

Jess shrugged before yawning.

Jess: I just wanna get this over with, I lost to David. Sure I'm upset that i did but at least I'm capable of moving on from the loss. I just need to train some more.

Victoria giggles once more and sighs in pleasure.

Victoria: well you're loss. David is all mine~ hehe~


Back in the city, a temporary shelter and camp was established, debri created a natural perimeter making cover for those that need it. A large table sat in the center with a map atop it. The map showed straighton city in its entirety, filled to the brim with battle lines of available pokemon, trainers and resistance fighters.

Large placements were scattered filled with pokemon that could take a hit and keep on trucking such as aggron, bastiodon, metegross, snorlax, cloyster, torterra and many many others. With the immense defense of these pokemon, others were there to assist them. Support pokemon that can assist via baton pass, helping hand, etc. Even the humans were armed as well. Smith breach loading long rifles and others.

This was going to be a big battle, it was going to be intense and very grueling.

Gary: all the placements have been established, sharp shooters are ready and the defenses as well.

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