ch62.5 a new hope

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3rd pov

To the far far west of unova, nearly 150 miles away the sight of rising steam and smoke brought about a silhouette of a beautiful city.

Bronze, silver and golden lights flood the city streets and skylines, intricately decorated buildings brought the eyes of people and pokemon alike to a state of awe.

This city, one of many in a small area is called Lethis: The clockwork city.

Pokemon never before seen by what we know of, pokemon born from an advanced age of arcane science.

Large airships fly above with people and pokemon smiling and living life to the fullest, including a particular nerdy girl.

Standing at the bow of one of the airships above Lethis is a girl with silver hair, brown Victorian/ steampunk style clothing, goggles of the same genre with a small robot like pokemon.

Standing at the bow of one of the airships above Lethis is a girl with silver hair, brown Victorian/ steampunk style clothing, goggles of the same genre with a small robot like pokemon

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The girls eyes widen in glee as she shot her arms into the air smiling widely.

Kiki: isn't this amazing Rabitime?

Kiki: isn't this amazing Rabitime?

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(First fake pokemon up top)

A sequence of mechanical noises echo from a small bunny sized automaton the sound it made was reminiscent of a agreement. It wheeled over on it's small wheel and happily blinked.

This is Rabitime the Steel rabbit pokemon. Made from a series of cogs and mechanical components with soul heart for its center this pokemon uses the wheel on the bottom to maneuver around at a high and accelerated speed.

Kiki kneels over and picked up the small automaton bunny and hugged it tightly as the airship began to descend to a hovering dock thanks to arcane science.

Kiki giggles lightly as the voice of an older man called out to her.

???: Kiki!!!

The girl peered over the edge of the airship as it came to a halt, ramps extended out onto the hovering dock. Kiki's eyes glimmer with happiness as she spot the man.

With blue eyes, long luscious brown beard this man was no other than the father of kiki.

Kiki: Papa!!

Leaping over the railing and onto the still extending ramp the young girl sprints over and leaps onto the dock and into her father in a loving embrace.

Father: Haahaahaa!! Oh wonderful, how's everything coming my dear? You're family is waiting at the warehouse.

Kiki humms in excitement.

Kiki: really? Ma and my brothers are here?

Her father let's out a hearty and cheerful laugh before softly taking kiki by the hand and leading her to another smaller airship.

Father: yup, you're mother was extremely worried about leaving you on you're own for you're journey.

Kiki pouted.

Kiki: I'm 16, I've been rebellious since I was 12 I'm more than capable to handle whatever life throws at me.

Rabitime clicks and turns in agreement as its mechanical eyes blinked several times. The father laughs once more as the two climbed onto the smaller airship where another 2 particular pokemon were seemingly powering the airship.

 The father laughs once more as the two climbed onto the smaller airship where another 2 particular pokemon were seemingly powering the airship

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(Gearmite and Rodroid)

Father: I don't doubt it, well we should get going we shouldn't leave the others waiting.

Kiki nods as she leans on the airships side, peering over the city below, steam and hot air shot up and around before revealing a massive clock tower marking the cities center.

Her smile continues to glow with joyous excitement as the airship departed from the hovering dock and towards the city below. Her jaw drops in awe as the large city became ever more prominent with each passing second, their colors shining brightly in the sunlight above.

Several minutes go by and a flock of wingul and pidgey fly over to the airship and landed on the mechanical sails above. Kiki stares in glee as her father laughs warmly while watching the city below.

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