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A/N hello everyone, chapter 85 is finally out and ready. I hope you guys have been enjoying the series so far and I am proud to say the escalation of the story is rising fast. The surprise visit of Winston Churchill I'm sure has surprised you. But no matter how you look at it he is here for a very powerful reason I'm encouraging you readers to discover. Now let the chapter begin.

2 months later

The chapter takes place in Driftveil city people foreign to the region walked around, many spoke on smartphones whilst others speedwalked through the city to get to work. But one thing that separates this city than the others was the lack of pokemon present.

No pokemon could be seen within or around the city except for the scarlet knights houndoom, mightyena and reveneon. They walked in squads 3 mightyena, 2 houndoom and a reveneon accompanied by 1 scarlet trainer.

These were the only pokemon present and apart from that the city was dull and depressing with only the occasional festive flavor of birthday parties and weddings... otherwise Driftveil city was a forgotten memory of what it once was.

But deep within the city was a boy, his eyes narrowed and dark, a beard was only barely on his face. This was David, with his black hair now grown down into a jet black variant of what it once was and a beard to go with it David looked nothing like he did before.

He looked around with his peripheral vision, scanning the various things around the city that was out of the ordinary. School busses, new businesses, gun shops and a variety of places he did not know of, and yet they all shared a common theme.

They were diverse... just like the towns surrounding Plainfield. People of a variety of skin colors and nationalities were present and ran the businesses and stores.

David: This place is... massive, it look like the knights expanded it and are colonizing it... people are living here like normal but pokemon are nowhere to be seen. It's weird.

David thought to himself, watching the various things occur around him. However this changed when the distant sound of mightyena and houndoom began to howl and began to chase someone. A regular person in fear of his life ran into an alley before drawing a firearm and tried to shoot the pursuing pokemon but was tackled and restrained.

???: No!!! Stop it!! This is wrong and you know it!!! The United nations have to be called on it!!! I refuse to keep quiet about this!! The execution of pokemon is wrong!!!

Before he was able to shout once more the man was silenced when a knight walked into the alleyway.

David: that's... terrible...

David says nothing and continues to walk away, the knight pulled out a syringe and injected it into the man. The man very quickly fell limp and eventually into unconsciousness.

David sighs and walked into an alleyway and further into the city where a large compound stood nearby. His eyes sparkled lightly as he pulled out a device, it looked like an IED of sorts.

He scanned his surroundings before sprinting forward towards the compound.

David: //this is David to lily over//

Pressing a device in his ear he spoke into a mic.

Lily: //David you arent James bond or Jason Bourne, it's a quick sabatoge. Stop it.//

David: //awww~//

Lily was on kiki's airship on the far distance outside of driftveil city, hiding in the wreckage of old demolished buildings and homes.

Lily: oh dear arceus, jenna why did you show him the Jason Bourne trilogy? Hes acting like him now!!

Snickering uncontrollably was jenna in a brand new set of tactical gear. She changed her hair color to a deep ocean blue and managed to get her hands on an abandoned LMG.

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