ch39 a stories past

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100k word special.

A/N before we begin this is a ultra long chapter that'll share David's past after he escaped from Plainfield but before the stories beginning when kirlia was still a ralts, this story shall be the one that'll hold legendary proportions.

3rd POV setting: northeast of R15 in kalos.

In the days prior to kirlia evolving she was but just a ralts with no owner but rather a companion to David. The two walk beside one another climbing a not so steep cliff face to reach the top in order to avoid an impending storm.

Sweat dripped down his face and neck as he climbed the cliff face. Ralts was already exhausted from training several hours prior so she was resting in his hoodie.

David: tch... why is this so... difficult?

David grunts before finding a foothold and leaping to another opening in the cliff face. Sure the face wasnt steep but it was still difficult for the young boy and with the threat of an impending storm coming in he had quite the predicament.

David huffs and wipes away his sweat before it entered his eyes. He takes a large breath and roars unleashing a lot of physical energy and climbed up reaching a small plateau of flat rock.

David smiles softly before climbing to his feet and turned around to see the view.

In the distance was R15 perhaps a little more than 20 or so miles away, it was hard to see but very noticeable ss there were two towns on either side of it.

David humms a bit before facing the next cliff face he needed to climb. He grunts a bit and began to climb but this time was different it wasnt too much longer until he reached the top. But it did start to rain when he got there.

First it started off with a large fork of lightning followed by the rumbling and deafening boom of thunder that alerted both David and Ralts to the storm.

Cursing internally David picked up his companion and hid her underneath his hoodie to hide her from the rain and ran into the forest atop the mountain he had just climbed.

David: crap crap crap I gotta find a cave or shelter of some kind.

David says worriedly as he leaped over twigs and large roots that grew from the ground, he dodged and weaved between large low hanging branches as his lungs and muscles began to burn screaming for rest.

Ralts was awake but still tired, she poked her head out from under Davids hoodie and looked around.

Ralts: R-Ral ral ralts!!! (D-David look a large tree!!)

The small psychic type pointed to a large tree in the distance that held many other trees that grew from the base beside it making a naturally forming cottage. David smiles and ran towards it eager to get out from the rain.

David: thank you ralts you're awesome.

David said happily, rubbing her psychokinetic horns on her head. Ralts purrs in response as David ran under the large hanging leaves.

The young boy huffs and falls to a knee as Ralts climbed out. She turned to David with a gleeful smile and helped him take off his hoodie and hang it on top of a nearby branch.

David: jeez... this storm came out of nowhere... it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon. Let's rest here for a bit alright?

Ralts nodded her head as David took a seat against the large tree and leaned against it's trunk. He hums weakly and closed his eyes as Ralts climbed onto his lap and leaned against his chest. David chuckles and began to pet her.

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