ch47 another happy landing

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Jenna: were targeting their fleet, PAYBACK BITCHES!!!!

The eyes of everyone present widened and their jaws dropped, they couldn't believe what they were about to do. Jenna smiles and pats lily's shoulders before giving her the go ahead.

Jenna: take em on sis.

Lily happily did so. She lowered the ships steering wheel enabling the ship to lean forward, the nose of the airship fell forward giving way for one of the most cinematic moments our heroes have probably ever seen.

Several hatches on the top and bottom of the airships hull opened up allowing several caches of missile launchers to reveal themselves. David and lance spotted the 2 of 4 missile launchers rise beside them.

David: oh... my... god...


The airship began to accelerate quickly, Gardevoir's psychic energy vanished which gave way to probably the most epic landing ever.

As the airship falls the ships below began to frantically try to shoot at the aircraft with very little success. Lance and David held on to the metegross with braixen doing the same.

Lance: it looks like were about to engage with the fleet, what's the plan exactly?

David shrugged unsure about the answer but with his aura he could give a fair guess by sensing the aura of jenna and lily inside the airship.

David: they want to attack the largest ship in the fleet.

Lance: why?

David: I don't know, all I know is that were in one hell of a fight.

Seconds pass and they quickly fell below 20,000 feet. The anti air fire only intensifies as the airship falls, the muzzle flashes becoming more visible by the second. But all that was now left was to wait, wait for the right time to fire the missiles at the fleet below.

And then... the time was now.

Jenna on the inside of the airship rose to her feet and pulled out her pokeballs and ran to the open bulkhead door, struggling to walk due to the downward pace of the airship.
Her eyes narrowed as she reaches the bulkhead, she takes a glance at Steven, alder and cynthia before nodding her head.

Jenna: if you want to join us, now's the right time. Lily!! It's up to you get ready to even out so we can engage.

Jenna says before running to the opposite side of the airship before opening that side of the door.

The airship began to accelerate quickly, Gardevoir's psychic energy vanished which gave way to probably the most epic landing ever.

As the airship falls the ships below began to frantically try to shoot at the aircraft with very little success. Lance and David held on to the metegross with braixen doing the same.

Lance: it looks like were about to engage with the fleet, what's the plan exactly?

David shrugged unsure about the answer but with his aura he could give a fair guess by sensing the aura of jenna and lily inside the airship.

David: they want to attack the largest ship in the fleet.

Lance: why?

David: I don't know, all I know is that were in one hell of a fight.

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