ch84 winston churchill

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Ch84 Winston churchill and the mission beginning.

David POV

Only a few minutes have passed by and the man named Winston churchill was leading us through city hall, sharing a variety of cheerful. Jolly and colorful stories of his past as a politician.

Churchill: then he said: well of course. Let's drink till we drop hohoho...

Letting our a cheerful laugh lily and jenna giggled at the story while I and kirlia say nothing. I was holding her hand as well.

Lily: he sounds like a good fellow.

Churchill: oh he definitely was. Definitely was, a good drinker too. Always had a whiskey in hand, hoho.

He chuckled again before he let out a cough: to clear his throat for the next conversation. He took a breath and turned to me.

Churchill: now what about you David? Any stories you love to share?

I looked up to churchill before thinking deeply about a story of my past, after a minute I had a small story I could share.

"There are, when I was littler and when kirlia was only just a Ralts we built a cottage in the south east forest of kalos. It was our home for a few years, although we didn't use it much we did use it in the winter time."

Mr. Churchill rose a brow and chuckled in interest.

Churchill: a cottage you say? Ah, such lovely little homes they are, several of my friends surrounding the mountains nearby have cottages out there. How long did it take you to build them?

"It took a few months and alot of help with the local psychic type pokemon."

Churchill hummed as the group reached a set of stairs and began to descend it.

Churchill: ah, wonderful. When this war blows over I'll pay a visit to kalos and would love to see it.

My eyes widen and a smile formed on my lips, I could feel my eyes sparkle.

"Of course, I'll be happy to have you visit."

We reached the bottom of the stairs and the environment quickly changed to an ominous setting, even churchill's joyful demeanor changed.

Churchill: as much as I would love to continue the conversation, I'm afraid we must continue it elsewhere, we have a very important conversation you need to be apart of.

A minute later we reached a large room with a variety of high ranking personnel that range from majors, to lieutenant generals and theater managers.

"Woah.. that's a war table.. look how massive it is.."

In the center of the room was a massive table with the map of provincia and unova and in between the two regions of land was the frontline, plastic markings were in place indicating the retreat of coalition forces.

"Thats.. a delaying action."

Kirlia: how can you tell?

I carefully walked over and scanned the table, my eyes narrowed before I pointed to a river on the map.

"Remember the forest fire? The pokemon that I was saving from across the river, other pokemon that retreated engaged the enemy whilst retreating... it's the same thing... it's a maneuver in which a defensive force delays an advance of a more superior force all the while dishing out as much damage as possible  without directly engaging in battle."

Almost like someone was listening a lieutenant walked over and spoke to me.

???: that's a keen eye you have, are you in the military?

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